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Shemadeinmyheart's Blog

Dropping from Ins.

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Our state says CS is done when child is 18 and a HS grad. SD17 will graduate in June and then turn 18 right after. We have heard from her in almost two years

Can we remove her of DHs health insurance when she ages out? Our premium won't change but we don't want to give free health insurance to a kid (adult) who doesn't want to be part of our lives.

To CS or not to CS that is the ???

Shemadeinmyheart's picture

Hello! This is my first post although I've read forever.

My dh and I have been together 12 years. He has two dd 15 & 17. Together we have twin DDs 3.

My dh used to have 50/50 custody until 2.5 years ago when SD17 started making up lies and stories. That's when SD17 went to live with her BM full time and SD15 has stayed with us full time.

We tried to have a relationship with SD17 but her games got to be to much do when she told DH to leave her alone we decide to.