Shadow79's Blog
Driving time
My fiance and his ex life across town from one another. Probably a 20 minute drive one way during rush hour. The boys can come and go back and forth between the two homes as often as they would like.
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BM didn't come for the Easter weekend. The kids wanted to know why I didn't let them see her. I want to respond with so many things but i won't because I it is about the children.
She is busy flying all over the fricken country.... Minneapolis to Denver to Seattle to Vegas to Denver to Washington DC back to Denver and back to Seattle..... yet she is over $30,000 behind in child support. She doesn't have a job (that she gets paid the correct way - under the table or in cash maybe?) She doesn't have a home or an address.
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Wanting to vent....
My SO and I have been together about 2 1/2 years. We have been living together for just over 2 years. We finally got engaged about a month ago.
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Soooooo annoyed. SS's ages 8 and 9 have been wetting the bed the last several nights. The 8 year old tells me he is afraid of the dark. They have a nightlight in the room, their bedroom is right next door to the bathroom, which also has a nightlight in it. I turned on the hall light so they couldn't use the excuse they are scared.
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Lies are starting
Until last weekend, I would have said that i was one of the fortunate people who have had a fairly good blending experience. I have gone ABOVE and BEYOND to help this woman be a part of her kids lives. We have primary custody of them. She was allowed supervised visits for about 6 months before she took off across the country. She finally returned closer to our home state about a year later and would fly or take a bus in to see them at least once per month.
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Little Boys and Missing the Toilet
Oh. My. Goodness.... the smell of urine from the bathroom is RIDICULOUS! I have talked to them over and over and over about trying hard to aim. I know that sometimes, especially when you first start going, you can get a random spray. BUT, this is like in the garbage can, a giant puddle behind the toilet, in front of the toilet. I have had them clean it, I have had them sit (which they don't keep doing unless I monitor it, but there are 4 of them, I can't do that). I am over it. I refuse to clean it up and have been making SO do it.
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Past Life
Shortest possible version of our backstory..... My fiancee and his ex separated in November 2015. She took off with the kids in August 2016. Divorce papers still not signed. He hired a PI and finally located them and received full custody in December 2016. He has had them full time since. She is behind almost $35,000 on child support. She went an entire year not seeing them, finally reappearing last September - where she also finally signed divorce papers. She was in jail for a while because of property damage to her rental and taking the kids out of state.
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Blenders... the point of a blender is to put a bunch of random things in there, turn it on and suddenly its this amazing smoothy, right?! Why, oh why, can't it be like that when we throw a bunch of kids in your home (the "blender") and we all turn into this amazing smoothy - or something like that??
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