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Do us stepmothers/fathers

sam's picture

have a right to hang up on the ex wife or husband if they call and are disrespectful? My ss lives with us and when bm calls she will say put ss on the phone not can i speak to ss please.Would you let her talk to him or tell her to phone back with some respect and i will give him the phone?Or when your in bed at like 10:00 and she phones would you run the phone down to ss or tell her to phone at an earlier time?


SerendipitySM's picture

Of course you can!! Especially if you ha full custody. If she can't be respectful of you she doesn't get to talk to her son - period!!! She doesn't need to call at 10 pm either. I wouldn't answer the phone either when she calls that late.

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

sam's picture

this and recieved a letter from her lawyer saying that i must let her have contact with the children but im sure she didnt tell her lawyer how rude she is.

melis070179's picture

umm..just hang up on her & tell SS to call her back. She can still talk to him yet she still gets hung up on when she's rude. And don't even answer the phone once you're in bed.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

SM#1's picture

hang up on her. And have SS call her back. If you have caller ID than just don't answer after 830 pm. Tell her that you all go to bed by then so if she needs to talk to SS she needs to call before that time. I would tell her by certified mail or email. Keep the record, if her attorney contacts you again give him a copy.

bellacita's picture

i think every parenting plan has a clause that states something like neither parent can interfere w the childs "frequent and meaningful contact" w the other parent. BUT this is not a get out of jail free card. its YOUR home and you need to set boundaries. have ur DH ask her to call between certain hours, ie. not at 10pm, and to be mannerly when she calls. if she doesnt adhere, u can probably file a motion to AT LEAST get it so that the hours are restricted. they may even be now...check the PP. she may be violating it by calling so late, in which case, file a motion of contempt.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Last Nerve's picture

In fact, our BM isn't allowed to call our house phone. She has been so mean and disrespectful, that I had our number changed, and made unlisted (the house phone is in my name). She did phone the new number once, and was a total biotch, so as soon as DH was finished with the call, I reported it as a harrassing call with the phone company. DH sent her an email, and told her that she is to call his cell phone ONLY, not the home line (I don't need my kids answering a call from her by mistake, and getting an earful from her), and that the call to the new number was reported to the phone company as harrassment. She hasn't called the home line since. We prefer she call the cell (and DH only uses the cell to call BM or skid as well) because there's always a record of the calls - not so easy to do with a lan line.
It pisses BM off - she asks DH at least once a month why she can't call the house line. She's such a control freak, and definately does not like to be told that she's not allowed to do something... Funny thing is, since the phone is in my name, it's up to me if she can call, not DH - and she's doesn't have the cahoona's to ask me why... }:)

mysticalwolf71's picture

We have done the same thing as Last Nerve, It helps keep records of when BM calls, how long the call was and if it was during the time ordered by the court. Because of the fact in years past BM would lie to the court stating she tried to call the skids when in fact she never made an attempt. Also, the house phone is in my name not DH. She was court ordered to call between 7:00 pm and 7:30pm every other night. this allowed for us to keep the line freed up do to the fact my DH is a contractor.

mrsparks's picture

This sounds just like my what my DH's ex just did to her ex husband and his wife..

melis070179's picture

BM got mad when I told her not to call DH at work. She emailed me & said she doesn't take orders from me. But every time she called he never took the call anyways and she hasn't called him at work since I told her not to so apparently she DOES take orders from me! haha

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

The Principlist's picture

No lawyer or anyone else has the right to tell you that you have to be disrespected, especially in your own home. I would clearly address to the lawyer that she has access to the kid, but must obey the following guidelines:

1. Show some respect when she calls to include ASKING to speak to SS and not demanding.
2. Do not call after XX o'clock unless it is an emergency.
3. In the event of an emergency, she needs to tell you or DH what the emergency is so that you can determine if it is worth waking or riling SS up about at such a late hour.

I would add any other rules that may apply to your situation.

That is BS no one can treat you like crap and the courts or Judges allow it.

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->

Sia's picture

about this, as I dont even speak to the BM...or didn't. She doesnt call the house anymore since SD has a cell phone, but she wont even call the house when SD's phone has been taken away. She always calls with this fake.."helloooo, is Sd there?" then I just hand the phone to DH or Sd. More often than not, I do not even answer it anymore (caller ID is a wonderful thing).

SM#1's picture

either. Not at any time, don't answer her calls nor do I speak to her when we are at an event for SD. If BMs are going to be rude or twist our words than why bother. You right, called ID is a miracle worker for us too.

sam's picture

I will start to document everything when she phones what time she phones and next time she is rude i will play little games with her.Now i cant wait til she calls!!!She even gets her family members that call her and refuse to tell me who they are but demand to talk to dh.That happened in summer time when we were away on holidays and my mother was here getting harrased!!My poor mom was watching our animals and trying to have a little vacation of her own because we live in the country.

Colorado Girl's picture

get caller id (if you don't already have it).

When she calls, have SS answer. If SS isn't there...don't answer.
I also wouldn't engage in the game playing because at that point you're handing her an excuse to be a bitch on a silver platter. I never go toe to toe with BM, not from fear but from the fact that she is more vindictive and more conniving than I ever could be. And it's not my's DHs.

I just think "demanding" respect is futile when regardless of the circumstances, she's never going to respect you.

If she continues to harass your household, simply change your phone number and instruct her to always call DH's cell phone. My skids BM did this for a while because I covertly stopped answering the phone whenever she called.

Just suggestions from a girl who prefers to keep the peace. Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

The Principlist's picture

We do the EXACT same thing. We have caller ID. BM was informed after one of her disresptful tirades that if she called and got no answer, that was because the kids were not home. If she left a message, they would call her back. If they answered, then it was obvious that they were here. You are right...There is so much freaking peace in my home just by doing that. But then I am dealing with a 12 and 13 year old. When they were younger we were more hands on and involved.

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->

4ofus's picture

DH never answers the phone unless the kids cant come to the phone. We don't have issues with BM being rude..but we also see no point in picking up if we know she just wants to talk to the kids. If she needs something else, she has the kids put DH on after they are done talking.

I agree with CG on this.. you will never get the respect that you expect...and its really up to DH to handle her, you shouldn't even bother talking to her.

We also don't have a home phone, we use our cell phones, and have no need in a home phone.

The Principlist's picture

How do you have just DSL with out having a home phone? We are interested in doing this and were wondering if it were possible.

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->

melis070179's picture

You just don't split it. You always have to have a phone line for DSL, but just don't split the line & plug a home phone into it

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

The Principlist's picture

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->

sam's picture

change our phone number because my dh has his own business and the number is already on business cards etc..Also dh does not want her to have his cell phone because last time she had his number to his old phone she called non stop and i mean every 20 min and his new one is for his business and cant afford to lose calls because the beast phones constantly.We also know that if we changed our number the kids would give it to her anyways so that would be a waste.They gave her our license plate numbers for crying out loud.So it is a no win win situation.And caller id is just another expense every month that we really cant afford.

jen76's picture

I could not live without caller ID. If SD isn't with us and her number comes up I give it to H to answer. If he isn't home I don't answer it. SD isn't calling to talk to me and if it is BM I don't care to talk to her for ANY reason. If it is an emergency with SD then she will leave a message. She only calls our house if she's tried H's cell and he doesn't answer. As for the respect, I agree with CG- it will never happen. I would kindly have your DH explain that nobody at your house takes calls after 9pm. Our BM would call 10:00, 10:30 and even 11pm when our son was a baby just to tell us SD wasn't feeling well or some stupid excuse to call and annoy us. He put a stop to that after she woke up the baby every time and I made him deal with putting him back to sleep. Even if we are eating dinner or doing something as a family now he answers and says SD is eating she will have to call you back or we are busy right now she can't answer the phone. 95% of the time SD forgot to call her back. She got the hint after several times and doesn't call on "our" weekends anymore.

Colorado Girl's picture

So couldn't your facade of kindness be a contributing factor to her justifying her behavior?

BM respects me now...after a very long, tumultuous road. She has screamed, yelled, called me names, patronized (a lot like what you do with your upstagings), you name it...she's done it. I've reacted in a number of ways...only to be met with disappointment.

When I decided to take residence on the high road and not reduce myself to any behavior I wouldn't expect of my children, she stopped being an unbearable beast (well most days). We now have 50/50 custody and she actually agreed to it. She handed over the power she once clung so dearly to. Merely because we refused to give her a reason not to.

All I'm saying is that when you rise above the hate and the riduculousness...sometimes your met with something different. It doesn't have to be such a battle. But like I've said a thousand times before....that's just me.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

stepmasochist's picture

simply hanging up if she's rude and then waiting a few (minutes, hours your choice depending on how big a beotch she was) and allowing skid to call her back. You're not keeping them from contact, your just keeping her from thinking being disrespectful to you is going to get her anywhere.

I had a little fun with BM recently concerning the phone. We have custody she has EOW and Thursday night visitation. She calls one evening while I'm doing homework with the skids and starting supper. I answer the phone even tho caller ID says it's her. This is our conversation:

Me: Hello?
BM: Are the kids there?
Me: Yeah . . .
BM: . . .
Me: . . .
Finally, BM: Well can I talk to them?
Me: Sure

Hand the phone to SS and they start chatting. I just wanted her to remember she's not in control of everything anymore.
But then she gets on the phone with SS5 and makes him cry for not being there with her or some crap, so I felt like a total POS and will never do that again. His tears dried up in two seconds after getting off the phone with her, so maybe the tears were just for her benefit. I didn't ask and he was fine the rest of the night.

Rags's picture

Absolutely a disrespectful caller should hear nothing but CLICK. Whether they are the XS/BP (Xspouse/Bioparent)or not.

I would say that the test of reasonableness applies. If the caller is behaving in a reasonable manner (calling at a respectful hour, speaking in a non-abusive tone, etc) then take the call, if not ............ CLICK!

Best regards,

mysticalwolf71's picture

I'm really starting to get pissed off, I hate the fact that these woman decided to move on with their lives, but to a point. Why is it so important for them to dictate what we can and can't do even if we don't listen. How would they like it if the table was turned. Call them during the week at 10:00 pm and ask if dear SS had dinner and is in bed. Ask to talk to them.

Sorry just going off... }:)

sam's picture

want the`satisfaction of knowing that they still have their claws dug in.

sam's picture

wont even deal with her because there is just no talking to her.Even the judge at court told her to grow up and move on.

Colorado Girl's picture

That would have been priceless.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

sam's picture

I couldnt believe he said that i just wanted to bow to him and shake his hand.

stepmom929's picture

I think the best thing to do would be to say in a very calm, even tone that yes, they can speak with her, but from now on you would like her to be friendlier when she calls, and that you go to bed around 10pm so calls after that time aren't acceptable. Then if she calls again and is still rude simply say, I'd be happy to let you speak to him, but you'll need to call back when you can stop being rude, and hang up.....something like that. But don't yell at her - be the bigger person and show her how ADULTS are supposed to act.