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The Drama Continues

sam's picture

If you read my last posts you know the horror.Well i took some of your advice i had my ringer on my phone shut off yesterday so i turn it back on in the afternoon i was expecting a call from my parents they were going to come over for coffee.The minuete ladies i put that ringer on it rang.She now has her family members phoning here.My husband wasnt here at the time so the guy that phoned wouldnt tell me his reason for calling so i knew what it was about so i hung up and the phone rang again and again etc...probably about 10 times.So i called my mom and told her that i had to shut my ringer down because were getting harassed again.She wont give up and i did call police but i have to drive to her city and put a complaint in and the police told me it can be used in court i thought good because that is what we are being threatned about again.Ladies i feel sick to my stomach and had nightmares about her last night trying to ruin our family i am to sensitive and very protective of my loved ones.


sam's picture

I would have taped but i didnt have nothing to tape with only because in our town nothing was open to go get one but trust me its on my list today..

ColorMeGone2's picture

Call the phone company and tell them what is going on. See if there's a complaint you can file with them. Then have your number changed to an unlisted one and DON'T GIVE HER THE NUMBER! That's ridiculous. I had to do the same thing, sam, a few years ago when my BM would do the same thing. If she needs to reach your DH, she can call his cell phone and HE can deal with her nonsense. It is your home, too, and you have the right not to be harassed in it. If your DH won't stop it, then YOU do it.

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥

sam's picture

I cant change the phone number only because my husband has his own business and that number is on his business cards along with his cell phone number but i am going to phone and try to get it blocked but im pretty sure she has only a cell phone and no home land line.

ColorMeGone2's picture

You're going to have to go the restraining order route, I'm afraid, if DH won't change the number. When you call the phone company and tell them what's happening, ask them if you can get a printout of incoming calls to your home for however long this has been going on. You'll need that. Do you have a cell phone for your exclusive use? If so, tell anyone who would call you to use that number from now on and then just leave the ringer off on the home phone permanently. If not, GET ONE!

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥

sam's picture

That is true she is trying to make me look bad in front of my dh and trying to turn kids away from me thinking that he will believe them over me because she never calls if my dh is home only when im by myself but if i start to give in then she thinks she has won.She makes the kids think i am horrible now because we wont come back and get them.She is trying to drive me away from them.

frustratedinMA's picture

This woman sounds like a nutcase.

Thank god you didnt go back to pick them up.. and guess what.. I wouldnt go back for at LEAST 2 weeks to get them. Let them think about their role in all of this... Because it sounds to me like they did play a role in this incident.

You are a person.. not a chauffer, not a servant, not a maid, not a 2nd class citizen. Dont put yourself in that situation again. When dh can go get them.. that is when they can come to visit. I guess perhaps he will only be able to see them EOW on his 1 day off. AND, I would have him pick them up, take them out somewhere in their town, then drop them off and come home.

This is utter bullsh*t what they are all putting you through... UTTER bullsh*t!

sam's picture

My dh and i talked about this over years but i think he is finally seeing that i will leave if it doesnt change so from now on we decided the kids are teenagers and run the streets at their mothers house all hours of the night so they have to take a bus now to our house and back to their is 16 and sd is 14 so they.We will not go there anymore.

sarahbernheart's picture

it is not easy sam, but you are slowly gaining back your life!
hold on tight!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

frustratedinMA's picture


Good for you. I am sorry, but playing games w/someone's time, emotions and patience is NOT acceptable.

I bet the will appreciate the comfy rides lost once they are bussing it.

Sounds like SS16 will soon have his license and will be able to DRIVE himself and the sd to your place