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New to this site! I am having major problems with my husband's ex and I really need advice!!

Constance_Alderson24's picture

I have really been trying to get along with my husbands ex for the sake of my stepdaughter but she is making it impossible for me! We have had Sam every weekend since the beginning, but now that Sam is about to turn 4 and is noticeing things ... things are changing drastically! Heather(which is Sam's bio mother) is now telling us we can only have her every other weekend like the court papers say. I have noticed that Sam's attitude towards us has changed, she used to be so excited every time we picked her she screams and cries like she is afraid of us! We treat her just like we treat our other two so the only thing i can come up with is that she is filling her head with crap. This woman is nuts ( Monday we went to the attourney generals for a modification and she brought Sam with her in the mediation room and asked my husband right in front of her if he could sign his rights over!!!! Of course we said NO WAY but who does that?!?! Then after that didnt go the way she planned she was texting my husband telling him he should have signed his rights over so that they dont have to deal with eachother anymore!!! This is just the tip of the iceburg with her!!! Please Help!!

Anywho78's picture

Hello, I would like to start out by saying that you have given us WAY too much personal information (I'm guessing your name is Constance A??) There are acronyms that are normally used to name our step-kids, bio moms & everyone else. A full list can be found in the F.A.Q. section. As this website is used for venting, most would not want their posts found if their names are googled. This is not a private forum & others can see what is written, even if they aren't members...Just sayin Wink

I'm sorry you & your family are having to deal with a BM (bio mother) like this. Please look at the court order to see if there is specific wording regarding bad mouthing the other parent...if there is, then BM (bio mom) is in contempt. The best thing to do is to start all communication possible between the dad & BM in writing (email, text, etc) that way, you can track what she's saying to him about normal parenting issues. When you have enough evidence, you can take her to court where the judge should tell her to knock it off. This is normally an ugly battle & again, I'm sorry for you, your DH & your poor little SD. Others, I'm sure, will be able to give you great advice on how to deal with your SD (Step Daughter) during her visitation.

I cannot believe that the TX OAG mediator allowed BM to bring your SD into the room & just sat there while she badgered your DH into signing away his rights!

I'm in TX myself...IM me if you want or need to talk.

Welcome to the site.

Orange County Ca's picture

I don't think the names are that big a deal but its best to not use names. BM for Bio-Mother etc - see the listing under F.A.Q on the left side of this page.

Google Parential Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and see what is necessary to get a court order against it. Meanwhile Daddy can ask his attorney to write a letter to her threatening to take her to court for a order requiring her to stop if she doesn't do so immediately. Sometimes that's all it takes.