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rusticporch's Blog

Finally a silver lining..biomom's own biomom going to bat for dh in court!

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Crazy biomom has finally been noticed to be crazy by her own biomom. Apparently she has refused visitation of the skids to her just like DH and so she is going to get involved. It's about time someone else noticed the insane amount of mental abuse going on with my little skids at their biomom house. Court is tomorrow. Hopefully we will have a lawyer good enough this time to get everything out on the table. Unfortunately, our attorney even mentioned that this chancery judge doesn't follow rules, or the law.

Advice please. Biomom has hit a new low.

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The biomom told us to not celebrate Christmas because she is now a Jehovah's Witness and she has the major decision making ability which includes religious upbringing as stated in the parenting plan. We asked and found out that she can't prevent us from celebrating it with the kids and told her. So we find out today, when it's our day to get them back, that she is not giving them to us because she has filed a police report. Contacted the police and all they could tell us is that there was a child abuse report filed.

New here and YES a place to vent!!! I have been holding it in!!!

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I am so happy to see others having issues with overbearing BM. When I met my now husband, his ex would even bring their kids over for me to babysit while she and her boyfriend went out on the town. Well, they decided after they got super drunk one night and he punched in her windshield that they were going to give up drinking and drugs and become born again Christians. This is when our lives went all to hell, pun intended. My husband(then bf) had a seizure late one night and one of my sk got up and saw him on the floor. Somehow, this turned into me punching him down.