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Just Fed UP

Roseybird's picture

Some people are crazy, stupid, naive, and then there are some people that are just don't get it! Well, it's been about 4 weeks since my SD15 left urine in her room because she was 'pissed off' literally. Anyway, DH found out two weeks after that that I was still pissed off about it during one of our counseling sessions with our Pastor. I expressed that I was still upset because I still haven't gotten an apology about the whole situation. When that was bought to the light, I guess DH told SD15 about it and she sent me a text apologizing. I never even paid it one mind. I thought the least she could have done was call and apologize. Well, days after the text DH says 'SD15 said she apologized to you.' I was like, 'yeah, via text - how sincere.' He then talked to her and told her it wasn't acceptable that she needed to call and apologize. So, yesterday, she calls and leave a VOICEMAIL! UGHHHH! She f'ed up my house with the smell of old pee and haven't had the decency to call and apologize to a LIVE person!!! So, I called DH and told him she left a message apologizing and how I still felt that wasn't acceptable. So, I guess he talked to her today again and she said she called me today (which she didn't - part of her pathological lying ways) and apologized again. I expressed to DH that she didn't call me, he insisted that she did, I expressed that she didn't (while I am looking at my missed calls). He goes again to tell me that she said she did! WTF? Do I look f'ing stupid? I have NO reason to lie!!! That offends me right there. First of all, how in the hell are you going to question me versus what a freaking SD15 liar. And secondly, how are you going to still tell her it's ok to leave a message? DH said 'I told SD15 to leave a message telling you to call her back.' WTH? I'm suppose to call the heathen back for her to apologize to me? Get the F out of here! UGH, I swear, DH just doesn't get IT! Getting so tired of this crap!


Auteur's picture

Yes it's not your job to play phone tag with an disrespectful idiot.

She should actually write a handwritten letter saying she's sincerely sorry.

Roseybird's picture

You are right. She needs to sit and write a sincere letter. Because right now, I am not even accepting her phone calls. I personally believe she is only doing what I told him to tell her to do - which defeats the WHOLE FREAKING PURPOSE! So, in my opinion, it's not sincere.

Elizabeth's picture

Frankly, I was impressed with your husband right up to the part where he told SD to leave a message and you'd call her back. It's up to SD to approach you, not the other way around.

BUT, my DH will not take ANY of the steps you mentioned above. When SD18 and one of my nieces were talking badly about me on Facebook, DH went to "talk to" SD about it (she lives an hour from us). She never apologized for me, even though I demanded (and got) an apology from my niece.

When SD18 stole a valuable item from me and lied about it, she never apologized to me and DH thinks I am "wrong" to expect an apology. He's so live and let live with SD18, it isn't even funny.

So kudos to your husband for supporting you to a point, and hopefully he'll follow through all the way.

Roseybird's picture

Liz, Kudos to him, but I am telling him everything to do. I guess kudos for him agreeing with me, but it's pointless if there's no follow through.

On the other hand, I am beginning to HATE facebook! DH doesn't get on it enough, so I have to be the patrol person and tell him what SD15 is doing and saying on it. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's OUTRAGEOUS! But he won't even take the time to even check it on a regular basis. SD15 has said some mean things about me and my 2 boys, but I don't phase it anymore. I tell DH and he makes her take that stuff down. But who cares anymore, she's an idiot.

windee's picture

Plus, your DH wants you to believe what he says, but he isn't going to believe waht you told him? Wow! You have alot of stress with your SD.

Roseybird's picture

I agree 100%!!! However, the way I feel right now about her, it's best to just keep our distance.

hismineandours's picture

I know what you mean. I absolutly hate the fake apologies ss gives when dh orders him to. He will even tell me, "Dad told me I have to say I'm sorry, so I'm sorry". oh, how touching. I will tell him I dont believe he's sincere-he will giggle and tell me he is. I wave him away and forget it as I dont want a fake apology. Weeks later he will reference whatever event I was upset about it and then say he didnt do anything wrong thereby confirming that it was never genuine in the first place.

I would make her write an essay franky. Not only apology but detailing exactly what she did wrong and why it was wrong so you know that at least she gets it on some level.

It almost makes me laugh to think that you need to call people up so they can apologize to you.

simifan's picture

Rosey - forget the apology. Meet her at the door with your own special blend & throw it in her face (before she comes in of course, don't ruin your rugs.)

Roseybird's picture

I like that! I was thinking about telling her if she ever does anything like that again, I am going to make her drink it. She's lucky I didn't save that piss! How disgusting, and who does crap like that?????

windee's picture

I cannot imagine what I would do or how I would feel if my SS peed on the floor! He would be out of our house for sure! Your stress level must be amazing!!