r_let_son4991's Blog
Thanks for all your helpful comments. The In-law thing eventually worked out after I absolutely went off of them. After we had been married for oh about 6 or 7 years, and they were putting my bk off just so that the little bit of time that the sk were around they wouldnt feel bad, I had had enough. The breaking point was when they were having a spend the night party with "all the grandkids" and did not invite my kids. Well this did not set well with me. Because regardless of the situation, my kids couldnt help the situation anymore than the sk could.
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Hey everybody!!!This is my first time on this website, and I stumbled across it tonight looking for something to go to when I needed to vent. A little back ground... I got married almost 17 years ago, I was very very young. When my husband and I met, he had 2 kids from a previous marriage. Things were rocky from the start with us. My MIL and FIL did not approve of our marriage or me.Looking back now, maybe it was age.Never the less, they did not change for sometime. When ever the 2 kids were around I could never do anything right and was ALWAYS under a telescope.
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