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Razamond's Blog

Curled up in a ball and crying

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OMG - Monday (today) is switch day and this is supposed to be BMs week - but guess what she called and said she couldn't take the skids because she has no transportation - car broke down. She got me. I got to be honest and tell you all I am really going through it. SD is so hateful and steals I am in constant worry over what is she going to take next and H will not will only get mad at me if sd does something bad.

Happy holidays are over - back to the same BS

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Here's an update, skids were with BM for Christmas - had a great holiday. They came back on Monday. I disengaged with SD and told her not to ask me for anything anymore - needless to say she still felt compelled to place her order for what she wanted from me for Christmas. I kept my word and did not purchase any gifts for the skids. (I feel bad that SS missed out, but I H would have been real upset and it would be obvious if I bought for SS and not for SD). On Monday SD came in being so nice - she was just sure I filled her order.

What happens when Someone is found in contempt of court?

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We took BM to court for full custody (she was evicted and we had the skids full time, we wanted it on paper).Somehow she got a lawyer (can't pay rent but can pay a laywer?) who told her to ask for her 50% custody back or she would have to pay cs - and even though she was homeless the judge gave her back her 50%. Anyway we did win her paying half the child care (during her week of custody) and half the skids medical. H asked for a wage assignment but BM won that and she has to reimburse weekly (blah).

Thanks to all for your help getting me the bets present ever

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Yesterday was my birthday and H gave me the best present ever - in the six years we have been together (friends/dating and married) he has never given me this before. Because I have gained strength and support from all on this site - I know that was a direct impact to this gift.
He gave me an apology - AND it was in writing on a birthday card he actually picked out with thought!

Have you ever heard anything so crazy?

Razamond's picture

Ok SD 13 is badddddd - she steals, is hatefule and ungrateful. Everytime she steals from me H gets mad at ME! H has EOW custody - when we had full custody we did not have has many problems so I know BM is behind it - regardless H needs to make her obey (guilty parenting). I disengaged - and it helped But last week she stole tampons - I had to address due to health issues and make sure there is not more to it - is something going on that we don't know about -is she back to stealing for BM????

I need your opinions

Razamond's picture

A little background - I make the most money in my home, so I pay the bulk of the bills - which never bothered me until recently. My H got a raise and BM has to start paying half the medical and half the child care (EOW custody)starting Dec 1. So last week I am looking through the bank statement and I realize every week H is taking cash out of the bank. So he is waiting for his pay day AND my pay day to hit the checking account and take out cash. WOW - I realized (we are both paid twice a month) he is taking out one full paychcek a month!

I'm afraid putting my foot down with SD will be the end of my marriage

Razamond's picture

Help - I see a lot of comments on this site that are so much like my story - my H and I have been married for 3 years - together for 4. He is Wonderful, I love him and I have no doubts about his love for me BUT... SD is causing a BIG gap. We have her and SS everyo ther week.She is 13, w/o her life is great.H is a happy person, when she is around he is so moody. She is even horrible to her brother 10,not to mention my son 12.When we first got married she left notes around saying she hated me and my son and wanted me to die. I asked H to make it stop and he did - 1st year.
