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ranahenke28's Blog

Step Mother and Step Son Bond

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I had satifiying news about my SS, He went out on a date with a girl there was a group of them. He is only 12. anyway it was bumming him out afterward and finally his mom and dad couldnt get him to talk so my husband asked if he would talk to me, my step son said yes because he was getting silly advice from his mom and his dad and his step mom is cool. SO he asked advice about this girl and we talked for about 45 mins about girls and he was able to open up quite a bit which was great!

Frustrated at the ex wife

ranahenke28's picture

Hi I am new to this site, and I was searching for a site on how to help deal with an ex wife. I have been married for 5 years and have to stepchildren one is 12 the other is 13.
A year ago the ex-wife moved out of her parents house and now lives on her own, every since then she calls him to go over and help around the house, fix the dishwasher, thermostat, her car, move furniture, pick up and deliver furniture. etc...