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Rags's Blog

Feelings Vs Facts

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My thieving SIL was trolling for sympathy on FB today.   She posted a meme about getting in a fight with someone when you tell them what is bothering you and instead of apologizing they  make you feel bad for saying something then  make you feel like it was your fault.  

Her usual moron minions came to her aid with hearts and "I'm so sorry" comments.  

I came to her aid as well.  "Fishing for an apology can be risky and have consequences.  Feelings are not necessarily in line with the facts.  Feel better."

I detest that shallow and polluted gene pool with a passion.

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Yet again the SpermClan breaks my son's heart.

Just finished a great hour on the phone with my boy.  What a wonderful man he is.  Before I get into the latest on the SpermClan... he was given his promotion date for pinning on his E6 stripes.  Nov 1.  Which is at least two months earlier than originally estimated based on his promotion "line number".  He is excited.  He did not even try his usual ... meh .... no big deal downplaying of his accomplishments.  He was notably excited about it. That made this dad very happy.

Christina Haack El Mousa Anstead TBD.....

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Saw a pop up news headline the other day.  Christina (of Flip or Flop fame on HGTV, and apparently Flop on marriage) recently squeezed out a puppy with her 2nd DH and now two-ish years after marrying DH #2  is divorcing DH #2.  All after apparently having her second child in an effort to shore up the marriage with her first DH.  That anyone would consider breeding as a relationship saving effort is mind boggling to me.

"I wanna go!"

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I posted an art event on FB.  My SIL (the weasle family theiving crook) immediately responded "I wanna go!".  I had a visceral revulstion when I saw she had replied. I could hear her snivvling whinny voice. The one she adopts when she is competing with the young children in the family for sym-pathetic (Ha!) attention from the adults.  She always uses that voice when she is manipulating and usually ends her whinny sessions with "I'm spec-ial."


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Why do so many people married to prior relationship breeders waste so much time, energy, and their happiness on delving into why their SO's X is toxic and their SO's prior failed family breeding experiments are ill behaved PITA wastes of reproductive fluids, or why our own SOs are incapable of behaving decently towards us?

Why do those married to failed wives, husbands, and parents tolerate the seemingly endless crap that comes along with the choice of SO?

Happy 78th birthday dad.

Rags's picture

Happy 78th birthday dad.

My brothers and I are truly blessed to have you and mom as our parents.

You are the example that I follow as a man, a husband and a father.

You are also the example I have followed in my profession. It worked for you and it has worked well for me.

I am looking forward to more adventures with you dad.

Happy birthday, I love you.

No blended family drama, just needles in the eye round 2

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I had a follow up with my Opto wizard today.  He advised a second injection in my eye. So we went with that model.

Things were a bit different this time.  They dilated my gimpy eye, scanned my retinas, etc... applied numbing drops then he injected the eye with lidocaine instead of doing a lidocaine application with a cotton swab.  Then he injected the medication in. I was not expecting 2 needles. 

I will return in a month for the LASER procedure if the blood leakage has reduced enough.

Happy birthday my dear.

Rags's picture

Happy 45th birthday to my incredible bride who 26 years and one month ago joined my crazy life, made me a dad and has made every day a blessing.

I love you my dear

I hope your next year is one of excitement, meaning and adventure. Mixed with some calm serenity. Just a little bit.

Give rose

Happy and proud dad!

Rags's picture

At 02:00  in the middle of the night my phone pinged.  I heard it but did not check it.  It turned out to be a message from the kid.

He got E-6!  Woo hoo!  My kid is a USAF Tech Sgt.  Or will be when it is official on Monday.

His mom and I are very proud of him.  

She and I said our good byes this AM as she was leaving for work.  I fell back to sleep, I'm one of those fortunate people who can pretty much fall asleep instantly,  and came flying out of bed when I heard a gasp and sob from the living room.  She came running into the bedroom sobbing "He got it!".
