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quippers01's Blog

I give up

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I am just so sad and I don't think I can keep trying to make this work. I'm tired. So very tired. I didn't want to believe that I could hate a child. I convinced myself that my problem was how H parented his kid. It was guilty daddy parenting and made things worse but I have discovered that it wasn't the cause of my feelings. This child is a walking talking reminder of all the times my feelings and needs were ignored in favor of keeping BM happy. When H left her he forgot to pack his balls and I paid the price. So many incidents that I can't let go of.

O/T my job sucks

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The only time I like going to work laately is when SD is visiting and that's only because it's less stressful to be at work than at home.

My job? Security for a motel in a shady city. The kind of place where the locals think it's a good place to party cuz it's cheap. There is a large mix of guests from junkies and hookers to families vacationing on a budget and people with pets cuz we are one of the only pet friendly places in the area.

O/T Potty training DH...WARNING: GROSS

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My house has a full bath downstairs and a half bath upstairs. The toilet in the downstairs does not flush "solids" very well so it's a house rule that you do your "solid" business upstairs. I have my BD4 and BS9 trained on this already...have for a while now. DH36 and SD5 on the other hand, are proving to be much more difficult to train.

Evil twist to my evil fantasy

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My fantasy was to secretly do a paternity test on H and SD and anonomously mail him and BM the results if the kid turned out to not be his. I always get tripped up on the part where I have to get the saliva samples without anyone knowing what I was up to. It's my fantasy so I just glaze over that part but last night my mind went to a very dark and evil place when I got to this point in my fantasy.

I just don't want her here

quippers01's picture

By the end of SD5's week long visit I had made great progress and developed several tools for tolerating her (baking, mp3 player, choking a pillow, etc...). H is on his way to pick her up for the weekend and despite my progress I still just don't want her here. It's not as bad as it has been but like many of us, life would be so much better if these skids would just go the f*** away. A girl can dream.

Is SO defensive about their kid/s? Are you about yours?

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Another post got me thinking and I didn't want to hijack it so...

How does your SO react to you laughing when their kid does something stupid? How do you react when your own kids do something stupid? And how does your SO react when your kids do something stupid? Wow, now that I wrote it out it sounds confusing.

A couple of examples from my very 'special' family:


quippers01's picture

I survived! I can't thank you all enough.

SD is back home with BM after a long emotionally draining week.

I firmly believe that there were no casualties this week because I was able to find great support here. I have been tearing up the blogs with posts about my week and I think it's time for one more just to say thank you to all you great folks on here who helped keep my spirits up and for all the encouragement.

I hope I can return the favor sometime.

Nickname your family members...

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I read a blog by Last-Wife where she gave nicknames to her family/others and it was a hoot. So I thought I'd like to hear what names you all might come up with for your own families.

H- Captain Oblivious
SD- Princess Oddball
BS- XBox Master
BD- Miss Nevershutsup
BM- I Love that BM also stands for "Bowel Movement" and I think it fits in most cases so I pick that here.
XH- Humpty Dumbass

What have I done?

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Ok, so we had a good day. Went to my Dad's Company picnic, just H and I. Great day! I swear my good mood had nothing to do with H telling me he was bringing SD home a day early...mostly nothing. Anyway, knowing he is doing this for the sake of my nerves and sanity I feel guilty. Even though I told him I was doing much better and would like hime to spend all the time he can with her. I even told him I would like her to stay. THESE WORDS ACTUALLY CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH! Along with a tiny bit of vomit.
