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Thinking about leaving.....

pylesmama's picture

So, it's been a long time since I've been on here. I thought I was doing ok handling things.....
Well, DH and I got into a huge fight the other night, and since then, all I can think about is that I want nothing to do with him, his kids, his family, or his freaking psycho ex-wife. I want to leave so badly, but the problem is I have no money to go anywhere, and no where to go temporarily. What am I supposed to do????


Elizabeth's picture

If you're really bent on leaving, I think you'd be surprised at how many people are available and willing to help you out. I don't know anybody I am even remotely acquainted with who I wouldn't help out if they were in a bad situation at home. Are you sure there's not even one friend who would let you spend a couple of days in their guest room?

bellladonna's picture

Ok, take a deep breath....

You said that you were handling things pretty well up until the other night. Could you just be frustrated? Can you go into more details as to what happened?

It is not easy being a stepparent, and unfortunately our SO's don't seem to understand that. We get very little help and support from them. So in turn we get bitter and the resentment builds, and eventually it will spill out.

If you can tell us a little more about what happened. I'm sure the ladies and gents here will have some great advice for you.


pylesmama's picture

Things have kind of been building up to this. He and I are very on and off, but I've been trying to make the most of it. The fight the other night was a bad one. He was very drunk and we started fighting and he swung at me and clipped my cheek. He swears he doesn't remember doing it, and I really feel he thinks I'm making it up, but I'm not. I don't want to be a victim, and I don't want to raise my son in an environment like that.
As far as the SDs go, I'm just fed up with the way they treat me, and my SO does nothing about it. Then, their BM emails almost every day asking for more and more money. She get $1000 month for child support and drinks it away. That certainly doesn't make me want to contribute anymore to the girls' activities.
I'm really just tired of it all, and need to get away. Even for a little bit.......

bellladonna's picture

If he swung on you, then you HAVE to leave. You do not want your son in that environment. I'm really sorry you are going thru this. Please don't fall for that "alcohol induced amnesia". If he gets this violent then he's capable of anything.

Is there anybody you can stay with? Friends? Even if you aren't religious there are religious institutions that will help you. Call the local women's shelter. They can direct you to a safe place to go.

Please be safe.

Starla's picture


OP- here is a toll free number {please save it in your fone} and they may be able to be of help or give you direction on where you can go that is near your area. Its a 24/7 hour Safeline, you can call emergency or not and they deal with these situations. 1(800) 607-2330. Best of luck and please act on it ASAP.

z3girl's picture

Yes, do call a women's shelter! Even if you didn't decide to leave, it would help. I go to counseling at my local one. They also offer housing for people who are in situations like yours and no money to leave.