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ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

So not to brag or anything, but I had the BEST Valentine's Day dates.  Due to my lack of an H I celebrated with my doggos.  Coworker was out with his parents so we even had the house to ourselves.  Cooked up some steak and homemade mac and cheese and some veggies and chilled out and watched TV, I even went soft and gave both furbabies a SMALL piece of steak (they don't get people food.  I'm mean like that.)


The things to laugh at though.  I occasionally scroll through tiktok,  so naturally a video of STBX came up, because apparently he wants to be "tik tok famous."  He's told me this before.  I thought it was dumb.

The video has "When you love someone" by James TW going in the background.  It's basically a song about divorce.  And he's sitting there being all sad panda...  So naturally he has a whole ton of comments from these random women telling them how sorry they are, and how awful that is, and how they've been there, and how he's so great, yada yada.  Nearly made an actual account so I could comment "Sooo... Should we tell them about the other woman you got engaged to mid-marriage? Or is she a secret?"  But I'm not as petty as he is, so I resisted then had a good laugh with my sister over the phone how I'm SO GLAD I'm getting out of that mess because that def shows how changed (or not) he is.

So if I ever needed confirmation that I'm doing the right thing...  I got it.


DPW's picture

I'm glad to hear this PA. I worry so much for you. 

You can also get confirmation from us, ya know.... lol Wink


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I get confirmation from you guys every day! I mean really you all helped me realize my worth enough that I was actually brave enough to leave in the first place Wink

Livingoutloud's picture

He is an idiot but I think you should stop looking what's he up to online. You had to actually search for him as stuff doesn't just pop up on there, there are too many videos to be randomly showing up. Block him. Delete his contacts and unfollow him everywhere.