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princessmofo's Blog

JayRay's blog got me thinking... If you could design a school for StepTalkers what would it look like?

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JayRay's blog about the narcissism and Post Traumatic Breadstick Disorder got me chuckling. I was thinking of a school or learning center to help embattled stepmoms, Disney dads, and bpd bms. Here's a sampling:

Do your stepkids suffer from PTBD (Post Traumatic Breadstick Disorder)? Is your husband unable to locate his testicles when communicating with his ex? Do you deal with a deluded, high-conflict biomom who causes confusion and delay everywhere she goes? You're not alone. There is help...

My renewed faith in dh...

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My youngest bio 7 was sick with a stomach bug this weekend. It was a nasty one. The projectile vomiting started around 3 a.m. Sunday morning. BS woke me up knocking on the bedroom door to tell me he had gotten sick, all over his bed. So I got up and cleaned him up and soothed him. Proceeded to clean up all the vomit and pretreat sheets and bedding and put them in the washer.

'Downton Abbey' and blended family/step-parent pitfalls...

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If anyone else is keeping up with 'Downton Abbey' (flying my geeky PBS flag freely for all to see) you will know that one of the characters, Mrs. Isobel Crawley, is being actively pursued by a wealthy widower. In last weeks episode she met his two ADULT sons who were complete and total douchebags to her. Insulting her at the dinner table (at the Crawley's own home) in the most ill-mannered, discourteous way and forcing her to reconsider the proposal.

What the hell has gotten into all of our dhs lately?

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Mine has been a complete and utter douchecanoe lately. To the point I asked him to stop speaking and kindly pull his bottom lip up over his head and swallow. Yes, that's how big of a total and unbelievable bastard he's been to me lately.

Long story but nastiness for nastiness's sake. Saying cruel things, pointing out personality flaws of mine for laughs. Like the emotional douchetard he is.

But what the hell? Is it cosmic? Something in the water? Are they all having man-periods? Truly the douchebaggery knows no bounds these days...

Reason #563 why I should know better than to ever let good clothes leave this house...

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Several weeks ago, as you may remember, DH was too sick to take SS to school. (See previous blog) So ss's step-father picked him up from our house and took him to school. I, naturally, fed ss and made sure he was dressed for school. DH has a habit of dressing ss in the same three or four outfits. Literally the same shirts over and over, clean of course, but the same stuff.

Twat Waffle comes to dh's rescue so naturally I'm the "bad" guy...

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Long story short, dh has had the flu this week. He came home Monday evening feeling "run down". This past weekend was dh's time with ss. We had him through Tuesday morning as Monday was a holiday. I agreed to watch him as I had my kiddos too and he's basically a good kid.

Princess Mofo is the Grinch...

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Yes, I am a heartless, selfish, mean-spirited, wretch of a human being because I told DH I would no longer bankroll extracurricular activities for SS that he chooses not to participate in.

Quick background: SS has been enrolled in many extracurricular activities over the years. Most twat waffle signed him up for and blew smoke up dh's ass about ss being so into it. Over the last year the kid has dropped out of soccer, t-ball, and now basketball. All of which I have paid for.
