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Step-Daughter troubles. .

PorshaYoung's picture

I have a son with someone else. A son between my husband and I and he has a daughter with someone step daughter.
This is what I have to deal with when she comes EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND and ya'll are lucky crying about every other weeks plz..I wish

-she sits every morning by my door and waits for my husband to wake up
-she goes behind my back and asks her dad for the snacks I told her she couldnt have and he gives it to her
-she always has to be hugging, following, sitting on his lap, her dad while giving me the "haha" look
-she calls "daddy this and daddy that" constantly
-Questioning her dad why cant you and mommy get back together
-will not go to bed without "giving daddy a hug & kiss" and crying loud if goes without it which is never
-Interrupting when Im talking just to come in and give daddy a hug and kiss and if he tells her to wait shell rebuttal but saying but daddy I just wanted a hug and kiss.
-I always catch her watching me. Starring at me and Ill say what? And shell say nothing but I look or even glance at her she says WHAT?
-She rolls her eyes
-Its always a competition of who can get daddys love and im tired of her games. Im tired of her.

I just cant stand her. For a while when I knew she was coming over I would leave the city. Literally go to my mothers house with my 2 sons every weekend. Then I thought im not leaving my house...then I would find myself at home unhappy...I dread her coming every weekend. I do not get any breaks from her on the weekends. She comes every single weekend and during the summer she stays practically all summer. I cant take it anymore. I dont know what to do...

This morning! her dad went and got her before I went to work and she came in the house. We did not speak. His dad (her grandpa) called and wanted to see her and she turned around and looked at me and started laughing and making faces then put her orange in my face and Sad I did wave her hand out of my face and as soon as her dad looked she fell against the fridge and said OW really loud and he got so mad at me and yelled and said you are so mean to her. Why did you push her.....

Oh ill push her alright. . .


purpleflipflops's picture

How old is she?

and singing with sanecatlady to include: ~~~~ It's not your SD, it's yoooooooooouur DH!

WokeUpABug's picture

I'll go ahead and be the first to say it. Your problem is not your SD it's your husband. Your SD sounds very young and insecure. It's up to your DH to teach her appropriate behavior toward you. The fact that he immediately sided with her and assumes you pushed her is not good.

robin333's picture

Did I miss how old SD is? Your DH'S immediate assumption that you were in the wrong is not a good sign.

Since you have other children, listen to the ladies talking about nanny cams and false CPS reports. Protect your kids.

katielee's picture

You are dealing with Mini-Wife Syndrome. Better nip it in the bud. It's a nightmare of a battle. Make sure your marriage is even worth it before you begin. Ugh...these father-daughter pairs make me sick to my stomach. :sick: {{{How do you spell the sound of me violently vomiting?}}}

LikeMinded's picture

I agree with all the posters here.

Google the "disengagingg essay" for more information about that.

I'm not sure how old she is, so I can't comment on whether or not she's seeking too much affection.

I can say that her false allegation NEEDS TO BE ADRESSED. Where I live, if CPS comes to take your SKID away, they will take ALL your children away. My hairdresser was given supervised visitation and was not allowed to hug her owm son for 3 months! No man is worth going through anything like this.

I would raise absolute heck with DH until he admits that he knows you did not push this girl. No sex, no speaking, no cooked meals until he admits and believes that this girl lied.

Then you make a list of demands (like getting her at least one activity away from home on the weekends), serously, this girl doesn't need to be there all the time.