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P Popper's Blog

I made it

P Popper's picture

Hello everyone,

I made it to my parent's house.
I went to the Dr. today with my dad as he was in a lot of pain and needed to change his medication.
He will go in for an outpatient procedure at the end of Aug.

SO has not called.
Answered my call one time and replied to a text.

I know I shouldnt even be trying to reach him, but this is all so wierd, and confusing, and frustrating for me.

Update to my updates... I realized I should post this here, on my blog... ??? :)

P Popper's picture

update on the updates about leaving SO ' no longer a step, girlfriend, etc '
Submitted by P Popper on Fri, 07/17/2015 - 6:42am
General Discussion

Hello everyone and GOOD MORNING!

I did it.
Yesterday I loaded the rest of my belongings, the cat, the dog and myself into the car and started the road trip to my parents house in another state.

I woke up this morning in a motel 6 and will have breakfast with a former boss and his family who live here.

UPDATE!!! No longer a step, a s/o, anybodies'lady', wife-but not legally, or even a girlfriend...

P Popper's picture

Hello everyone,
well, maybe I am not deleted.
I had a little trouble getting on...But, here I am.

So Ubox took away one full box(I should have gotten 2) on Saturday and I will work part time through 7/15 and then I will be gone for goo.
Overall, SO/DH has been ok. He is actually paying if we go somewhere and he helped the movers load the trailer, and me to sort & pack before hand. (I wonder if he's helping or sending me off quicker) Smile

Sometimes I wish I still lived alone

P Popper's picture

Hello and thank you for reading!
It's been a very rocky road for the past 6 years.
It's amazing that you can be so together in most areas of your life and then you look at your relationship and wonder how you ever got to be in this mess.
I love my boyfriend. I do. But he will not accept that he has some immaturities to work through.
I love his daughter, but I am at a point where I am just fine with a dirty house, unwashed dogs, and not eating dinner together as a family. It's hard to hold it together... aaaggghhh