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Dear me

ozmommie's picture

Dear me:
So it's your first real mothers day and DH did absolutely nothing,at least you still get to wake up numerous times a night with the baby and deal with a child who is not your own all week long. Stop feeling bad for yourself because it's supper time and if SD asks you one more time what you are cooking your head might explode. Take this as a lesson learned and check yourself into a swanky hotel next year...he might not think you deserve it but I do.


luchay's picture

So, he knows what to expect for fathers day right?

Seriously though, with this one I would wait until you feel calmer and have a talk with him about how hurt you were that he made no effort to do anything for you on your first mothers day - lets face it men are dense! TELL him the baby can't do it yet, and even when he/she gets older they will still need his help - but that mothers and fathers day are about FAMILY - acknowledging and spoiling each parent in turn - and that it IS his job (just as it is yours for him) to make that happen.

Hugs to you.

Wait til you read about my mothers day - talk about black comedy, and yes I threw myself a little pity party.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I totally understand how hurt you must feel. My DH has told me over the years, I'm not their mother (skids) and I'm not his mother either. My ex husband use to celebrate Mother's Day by giving me a card, take me to dinner, flowers etc., along with getting things for our kids to give to me.

As a SM, I treat my skids better than their own mother. I may have not given birth to them, but I sure do take care of them. I think it's important for DH to show the skids how to honor and respect me as their SM.

This year, he bought me a card, wished me a Happy Mother's Day and took me to dinner. The skids bought me a very nice card and left it next to my night stand (because they were not going to see me this year), I also bought myself a SM gift. I found an Alex and Ani bracelet with a charm of a Pansy and engraved was the word Step Mom.

I hope you talk with DH and explain how hurt you are. You may not have given birth to the child, but it sure takes more than labor pains to raise a child. Hang in there Wink