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BM is so useless!!!

ozmommie's picture

just need to vent:

So we picked up SD from her weekend visit with BM, she gets in my car and is wearing a long sleeved shirt and pants that have been rolled up (and looks insane)because it was so damn hot yesterday. I ask her why she's not wearing shorts or a dress and she says "because you didn't give mommy any clothes for summer". Last year I packed up some winter clothes for SD to bring to her moms house because it was annoying to pack an overnight bag every weekend, does this mean she's been wearing the same 4 outfits every weekend for a year??? What a useless mother this woman is. She doesn't pay support for her kid, we buy EVERYTHING for SD and before DH and I were together he used to give her money for food! Wtf? why does this woman feel like she doesn't have to support her child in any way?? She lives with her BF she's on welfare, at least he works but I can't imagine what they spend their money on! She apparently is not a crack head ( too fat to be on any hard drugs anyway). I can't stand this woman. There is no reason (medically) for her to not be working, she keeps going to doctors to try and get on worker's comp...because then she would get more lazy and useless. I will pack SD some summer clothes to bring to her moms house, hopefully it will make BM feel like the useless piece of shit she is.


ozmommie's picture

I meant it was annoying in general. It was almost impossible to get her snow pants back every Sunday forget trying to wrangle clothes too, and things seem to go "missing" in the black hole that is BM's apartment.

Newstep's picture

Same here, SD used to haul a damn suitcase back and forth every week. Then it was a huge hassle every Monday to get the suitcase to BM's or from BM's constant calls and texts. Finally we said keep the suitcase and we bought her all new clothes. Then summer came and BM wanted to know when we were sending clothes for SD to her house :jawdrop: She doesn't spend a penny of CS on SD if SD needs something she comes and asks us. It just gets worse as they get older too!! Because the wants are way more expensive.

Lalena75's picture

Almost every town has a free clothing drive I'd be damned if BM wasn't going to clothe het kids tell her to get off her ass and get her clothes. Don't enable her laziness

misSTEP's picture

I would not enable the BM by providing clothing. If anything, I would give the kid a gift card to their local thrift store.

BM is just pulling the usual crap of trying to make dad and SM out to be the bad guys.