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PMS and nervous breakdown imminent! May be TMI for guys :) Suggestions???

overit2's picture

Sad I hate PMS...hate it! I figured this month would be tough. Normally my breasts will start hurting around ovulation until a day or two b4 my monthly visitor. However this month the pain has been very intense-I already have nodules and such that aggravate it.
I figured it's probably going to be a very bad now I'm a week away-and the PMS is out of hand..I mean I've cried 3 times today (one while in bed this am!)-3 times yesterday-I'm irritated, mad, sad, extremely emotional.

I feel bad for the bf who I'm been very standoffish intimacy the last couple days which is very rare for us....I feel like a horrible gf and mom right now.

In addition to the stress of managing everything as a single mom...add to that their dad who has the gall to criticize any/every of my parenting decisions when he sees them a total of 3 days a month. I'm overwhelmed, work has been crazy, home life has been hectic...and my hormones are driving me crazy. I'm on that "need to run away" mode again.

What do you ladies do to relieve PMS symptoms that week?

Really, I need some tips from real life women here. I mean yeah I eat chocolate and salty stuff..can't help it. I can drink some wine but that made me cry last night...ughhh..

I won't get on anti-depressants for just a week a month...hate polluting my body w/that or birth control hormones so that's no an option. SO if anyone has any natural remedies/suggestions on how to deal w/this PMS insanity??PLEASE...before I have a nervous breakdown.


SillyGilly's picture

OMG - I have nothing to offer other than YOU ARE NOT ALONE - and I will be watching this blog for suggestions becasue I need them too! I feel like some angry, bitter yet sensitive woman takes over my body. I think completely irrational thoughts and seem to in general feel really sorry for myself. My doc put me on YAZ a few years ago but I had the *worst* side effects so I'm done with that and have just concluded I'm going to be crazy 1 week a month. I also to the chocolate/salty thing and that helps temporarily as long as no one tries to interupt me or share my snack! Wine always makes me cry so I know that wouldn't help. What do I do?? DH is pretty good and tries to back off a little more and give me some space. I try to get more sleep because I am exhausted that week and being tired doens't help anyone. Otherwise, I am just miserable and suffer through. I would really love to have some *real* suggestions!

overit2's picture

Oh my ...yes it's like being posessed..and it's worse knowing that you KNOW the cause but can't stop the craziness. And yes I also feel exhausted, tired, sleepy.

And YES to the angry, bitter, yet crying overly sensitive feelings. I mean what the hell???

Yes, I'm a BM, two kids-and it seems if anything it's getting worse every year.

I've hear of St. Johns wart-I may try that. It doesn't help that I typically get depressed in the winter anyways (SAD) Feb I'm ready to crawl in a hole and die lol.

My man just texted me that he was sorry I was feeling so lousy, and that he was still here for me and loved me bunches. He then said if you want to see me it's fine, if you want to wait till the wknd, that's fine..whatever you can cope with.

I don't know...I'm thinking I just need to be alone, hard enough my kids have to deal w/a nutso mom who they asked "why are you crying mom" Ughhh

I know it's one week...but that week is hell.

SillyGilly's picture

FEBRUARY! The WORST month EVER! DH and I always plan a little get-a-way - even if it is just the weekend - because we are both so depressed by Feb. Ugh. the winter and darkness - I hate February.

Timetogiveup's picture

Soy products worked for me. I actually willingly eat Tofu because I like does make a lot of people gag. The soy drinks are pretty good but again people gag on that too. You can always to the supplements.

overit2's picture

OMG Skids, I didn't know what you mean by up the duff-so I googled it LOL. Gosh I would hope not. We certainly aren't trying-the withdrawl has worked for years with my exh (minus my 2nd child but that was his purposeful slip up!) It's worked with my bf for the last 1 1/2yrs ..unless you count not using that on your period.....but so far knock on you've got me paranoid! I'm due on the 9th-10th so if my boobs don't stop hurting by the 8th I"ll know somethings up. My cycles are very predictable-but this one is WAY out of control hormone shift wise and boobs hurting wise and bloating wise.

OH I dread the thought-i'm ready to close shop at 35...shit no wait..36 now GRRRR...only 8 years till mine are off to college and I can resume a semblance of a life lol.

caregiver1127's picture

Overit2 - this is what I had and my OB/GYN put me on anti-depressants for 10 days of the month before you get your period - I went to my doctor because 1 month before I got my period I was so angry I had to lock my bedroom door and not let my daughter in the room - I just thought I was going to go crazy - the next day I called my doctor and he put me on Paxil for 10 days of the month and it has really helped. I know you don't want medication but if everything else fails the anti-depressant really helped me and stopped all of the symptoms.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The symptoms of PMDD are similar to those of PMS, but are severe enough to interfere with work, social activities, and relationships.

overit2's picture

CG, I though anti-depressants only work with a buildup in your system over they work when just taken a 10 days like that? Or is it more a placebo effect?

I do have my trusted ativans, however I use those more for sleep aid then anxiety during the day...not sure if one of those per day might help that week. BUT I'm so exhausted I'd probably go to sleep at my desk lol.

Skids lol-yeah I now-the changes of that happening are just so so small though-at 36 I'm sure my fertility is slowing down...and if it worked for all this time? Guess I'll know soon enough.

caregiver1127's picture

Overit2 - if you have PMDD which it sounds like you do then when your hormones increase right before your period it makes your serotonin levels drop which in turn make you crazy - I take zoloft 10 days every month and it helps to keep the levels high which keep your mood stabilized - I am sure it is much more involved but that is how I understand it - google PMDD - talk to your Gyno about it - the antidepressants are not all for build up - in this case it just raises the levels high enough due to the hormones lowering them - try it - it really worked for me and my family is much happier now. I will say the zoloft makes me a little nauseous so instead of eating like crazy it also keeps my appetite down - so win win for me!

overit2's picture

Thanks CG...I will discuss it w/the Dr on my next visit. I googled PMDD and found this list

Very depressed mood, feeling hopeless
Marked anxiety, tension, edginess
Sudden mood shifts (crying easily, extreme sensitivity)
Persistent, marked irritability, anger, increased conflicts
Loss of interest in usual activities (work, school, socializing, etc.)
Difficulty concentrating and staying focused
Fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy
Marked appetite change, overeating, food cravings
Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) or sleeping too much
Feeling out of control or overwhelmed
Physical symptoms such as weight gain, bloating, breast tenderness or swelling, headache, and muscle or joint aches and pains

I'd say yes to all of this except first one-I get somewhat depressed but not VERY or hopeless...I do feel that way in the winter-especially Feb ha! For which I'm actually considering this year the full spectrum lighting...funny...when i googled that (yep google queen lol) says that there IS a connection with PMS and SAD-mainly getting worse in colder months and that the spectrum lighting CAN alleviate the PMS symptoms as well as menopuase symptoms. Hmmm....not that might also be a drug-free alternative worth trying also? Cost would be around $150-$250 once..and then bulbs last a long time. Long term it would be more cost effective and no side effects then AD's I think.

caregiver1127's picture

Overit2 - if you were looking at an illness and got all of the symptoms except one - you still have the illness - it really helped my energy, my mood swings, my food cravings it helped it all.

overit2's picture

Did you get any of the "zombie" side effects from it? I've been on AD's before for post-partum depression, and I really hated the side-effects and the feeling I got-yes I was mellowed out and "stable" but also felt kind of dead to the world. It also affected sex-drive. Well course that was w/my exh so he kind of killed it on hiw own lol. I also had a very hard time when I did go off of them physically, the withdrawal symptoms were hell. I'm not 100pct opposed to it though-which is why i'm asking questions.

caregiver1127's picture

Since you are only taking it for the 10 days and this is when your hormones are making your seritonin (sp?) levels drop the only thing I had was a little nausea. It did not affect my sex drive but when I am PMS'ing I don't feel like it anyway - I now do have sex before my period and enjoy it but not before. I really went to see my doctor because of how I felt about my daughter and how I had to lock the door - she was younger and life was more stressful but to me it was not worth fighting that rage every month - now I don't have it - except when SS visits }:) }:) JK

There are I think only 3 AD that will work for this situation - so you may not get the effects that you would usually if you took them full time. The doses are low and you take them every month so the withdrawal does not happen because you take them for the 10 days stop and then do it again next month - it really has helped me with the PMS - also John's Wart be careful with you can become real complacent with your life and the Zombie effect from that - If you don't want to take a AD then 10 days before your next period try St. John's Wart and then stop after the 10th day and see if it helps -

overit2's picture

Another thing is my house does not get a lot of natural sunlight because of a sunroom that blocks it from entering kitchen/living room. Only a couple rooms get direct sunlight and of course I'm not home during the day. In addition I have lots of trees that block sunlight. So I'm thinking that the hours I am home to sit under one for a little while in am or evening might really help. Has anyone used these and has it worked??

caregiver1127's picture

Proud Arrow - that is exactly why I went to see my doctor because I had heard about the hormone levels and he told me at 42 I was too young to be having lower estrogen levels - my periods are like clockwork every 4 weeks and just as heavy and as long as when I started my period so I am not going through menopause yet and that is when I learned about PMDD - it was because my body was changing and the hormone level decreased my serotonin levels and that is what was driving me crazy - he would not even check my estrogen levels because he said I was not even close to menopause with the way my periods were - he told me try the zoloft for the 10 days and then if that did not work then he would do the levels - we never got to the levels because the zoloft was exactly what I needed. But that was a very good suggestion and that is what brought me to the doctor in the first place!

wriggsy's picture

Lay off the caffine as much as possible (that has helped my sore breast issues...not completely gone, but helped considerably). Also...wear a good fitting bra!! Give "the ladies" some stability!! This may sound weird, but invest in a good heating pad. I actually sleep with my heating pad (on the lowest setting) every night. From aching shoulders to is SO soothing to me! matter how little, it gets the endorphines going! It also helps if you can do something just for yourself. Go for a walk, a pedicure and/or manicure, go to the makeup counter and get a free make over and then walk around your mall. Just something to lift your spirits. Take it easy on yourself.

I was just recently changed to a new BCP and it's been HORRENDOUS!! I have been an emotional wreck and would probably demand a different one except for the fact that I am going to be having a hysterectomy next Wednesday!! I can not wait to see what my body can do without the BCP!! My poor family has probably been ready to move me into a hotel or something, but they (at least, DH and DD) have been great to me. I have to be the luckiest girl in the world because my DH is SO understanding and spoils me during that time. He doesn't let the kids overly irritate me (if he can help it), he makes sure I get either a foot rub or a back rub daily, and he has been known to come home bearing Reeses Cups!!! I love him!!!

overit2's picture

Thanks Wriggsy! You know my caffeine intake is normal -but when you're eating chocolate I guess it grows huh lol. ANd yes I DO need to start exercising more, I'm not getting enough and it's totally not only killing my mood but I'm gaining weight ughhh

I've always used the heating pad the first two days of my period because my cramps are severe enough to knock me off my feet. I take 800mg ibuprofren 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days..they are that bad. But the heating pad during pms would help too! I've hear alot abotu "magnet" therapy as well-supposedly breaks the lactic acid or something.

Yesterday the bf and I finally got it on lol-after 4 friggin days. He seemed very concerned yesterday abotu our "relationship issues"...and I was like what issues, I'm pms'ing, i'm nutso and my sex drive went down it doesn't mean anything is wrong between us. I guess that wasn't the problem...his problem was the fact that i pushed him away rather then let him be here for me to help out..with kids, chocolate, cooking. I tried to explain I don't want to subject him to my craziness as I don't even like to be around me. He said it may him feel not needed/desired. I see his point but man can I PMS in peace for a few days? You can't freak out and think somethings wrong or that I'm not 'into' you anymore. Guess we're still at that sensitive spot of not feeling entirely confident that we won't get hurt. I guess he took it personally that I chose to NOT have him around.

PArt of me yes I would love the help/support and just cuddling ...but what about the emotional cyring/irritated/nutso side-does he really want to be subjected to that? He's seen and been around it before-this month was just a doozie, magnified times 10! It's been hard for him to even comprehend how bad it was/is this month.

wriggsy's picture

***...but what about the emotional cyring/irritated/nutso side-does he really want to be subjected to that?***

Yes, if he loves you, yes he does want to be subjected to that. Not too long ago, I went into a dark mood on myself. I wouldn't really speak to anyone and if someone asked "Are you ok", I would answer "I'm fine". But, I wouldn't stay in the room with anyone. I wanted to be left alone because I knew I was on the verge of losing my temper...for no reason whatsoever...and I wanted to protect my family from that. A couple days later, DH and I talked about it and he got upset with me. He told me that whatever happens to me, happens to him...we do it together. He insisted that he is my other half, so I am not supposed to "protect" him from whatever I am going through. It was very sweet, but I still think I did the right thing in not letting my bad attitude take itself out on the family...

caregiver1127's picture

Overit2 as we get older our bodies change especially the hormones - I never had this problem until last August that is when I had the meltdown - so this month was bad this may be the start of your body changing - just keep track of it.

overit2's picture

Thanks ladies for all the suggestions and support. You know cg my friend last night who is about 4 yrs or so older then me told me the exact same thing.

She said as she got older they got tougher and tougher on her, or our bodies maybe in getting older just dont' handle it as well in combination with higher hormone influxes. I will DEFINATELY be keeping track. I'm still getting the full spectrum lights next month and starting the exercise right now. I will see if next months pms is this bad it definately means it's changing and not a one time thing.

As I speak my mood has improved (doing the dirty helped lol)...but my boobs are still very sore, and I'm still bloated and gassy and look puffy. It should start the 9-10th this month-my boobs stop hurting about a day or two prior-that's my indicator Smile Looking forward to that day because it's killing me. And I'm not a big chested girl-a C cup or 3/4 of a C cup lol- they're looking like full c's or d minus right now though Wink i've gained a few lbs the last cpl weeks so that comes with it. I feel like a bloated fat cow all over right now.

Have a good weekend everyone!! And thanks again!!