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OT-Are gift baskets too impersonal for family?

overit2's picture

Totally off topic but with Holidays coming up and all. Do you guys think a gift basket is too impersonal for say your brother and spouse?

My oldest brother has sent me one before but he lives in another state so it's easy to ship and we only see eachother a few times a year at most-normally i would shop around for something for my youngest brogher and his wife who live in the same city as I do but this year I'm feeling going more simple.

Since the wedding I only see them very periodically-my SIL and I used to be friends but I can hardly handle her now anymore. Plus w/now having a bf and his D, perhaps his parents-I'm just not too willing to spend mental energy looking and shopping around for too many people. PLUS the way I see it, couples get the easy way out..Ibday-and each a present for Christmas...where they "couple give". WTH? I have one income and end up giving 2 gifts...they are 2 incomes and do one. Granted they give my sons gifts so it evens out.

Anyway-I was MOH at their wedding-spent TONS of money on all those parties and preperations and such. NOw they have a baby due-so I'm sure i'll be spending more then. (NO-I refuse to host the baby shower, let her mom and family do it!). So anyways-I"m thinking one of those wine country gift baskets? Too impersonal? They just have shifted so far from our lives compared to before that it doesn't seem wrong.

Yeah my SIL switch of personality lately is a WHOLE other topic...and I fear for my brother-he'll be the one to take on all the parenting. She can't handle any stress...none. I mean having too many people talk at once during HOlidays stresses her out. A crying baby? Oh lord!


stormabruin's picture

I think a gift basket is a great idea if you feel it's something they'll like. Impersonal is tossing a $20 in an envelope. The fact that you care enough to question it, in my opinion, says there's thought behind it. To me, that makes it a good gift.

LizGrace65's picture

I used to do fruit of the month clubs for my immediate family. I worried that it was too "corporate" - but they all really loved it.

Go with your feeling - if you feel they'll enjoy it there's nothing at all wrong with it.


stepmasochist's picture

I don't think a gift basket is too impersonal at all. If my brother and SIL and I exchanged gifts anymore, I'd totally give them something like that.

Is there wine in the wine country basket? I'm just asking because maybe that isn't the best basket choice for someone who's preggers.

With siblings, DH and I pretty much focus on kids unless, the couple is kidless, then we get them something.

I like how the guy from the twitter thing "shit my dad says" puts it.
"Everybody’s broke, so here’s the rule for Christmas this year: if you still shit your pants, you get a present. Otherwise tough shit."

overit2's picture

OMG Stepmasochist, I totally LOL'd on that one!! That's awesome! I want to use that!

The winecountry has all kinds-normally it's candies, nuts, cheeses, etc...yeah...well kind of wish she had at least a half a glass of wine. She was uptight before getting pregnant-she's downright miserable to be around now. Ughh..
I remember feeling good my 2nd trimester...more energy, happy, glowy, horny, all kinds of good stuff. She's stuck in miserable. But, she's the type to be stuck in miserable anyway-you know the type, complain, always tired, stressed, mad, nothing makes them would think she's a stepkid actually LOL.

She's hating the pregnancy, but then she hates everything in life...she cannot be satisfied. GOD my brother made a mistake marrying that woman. I give it 3-4 years. And she would be the POSTER CHILD for crazy BM-guaranteed!

Side rant-I wish he hadn't married her. Really...he did it out of obligation, because they were living together so long-he felt it was the right thing to do and he owed her that. BIG mistake. My brother is THAT guy that everyone loves, positive, energetic, kind, funny, loyal, kind...she's sucking the life out of him w/all her negativity and bad mood and approach to life-slowly he's changing for the worse. And now a kid-just great. He's stuck..he's the type that will stick it out and be miserable.

caregiver1127's picture

Harry and David have great gift baskets and today they have a really great one on sale for cyber monday and I know everyone loves getting a Harry and David basket!!

LizGrace65's picture

ha ha - Harry & David is where I got fruit of the month!

Had to do the mini clubs though - their stuff is pricey. Good quality but not cheap.

If I remember correctly they also had a couple different bulb gardens. I got a few of those over the years and just *loved* them. They came in containers that just looked like a pot full of dirt. All you had to do was water them and put them in a window, and bam - hyacinths, tulips, etc. in January and February. Fantastic for the winter blahs for those of us up north.

Their website is great too - saves information from year to year.

Great company.


SillyGilly's picture

my mother gives us a box of their pears every Christmas and the whole family looks forward to it! They are THE BEST - any pear after experiencing theirs is just disappointing.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Actually, I think a gift basket is a terrific idea. I live in a very small house, and have very "minimalist" tastes. I appreciate gifts, but often just don't have room or a use for the things that people give me. The people that know me the best give me gift cards for an outing to my favorite restaurant or a gift basket with mostly consumables (fruit, candy, wine, bread, baked goodies...something like that). I LOVE that. The whole family gets to enjoy a treat and I don't have to feel bad about not displaying Aunt Rhonda's floral swag when she comes over.

Go with the basket. Who doesn't like to eat?

Most Evil's picture

I would love to get a gift basket - any kind is good! Already prepared food is good!!!!