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OK OK..I WILL NOT communicate further with CRAZIES!!

overit2's picture

Ugghh...sorry for my horrid part in keeping that psychotic nut case going> I will ignore her from here on out.

If anythign wants to jump on board with me and ignore that new thread by all means Smile


Willow2010's picture

I always try to ignore the crazies. My question is…I have seen better people than this nut case, kicked off this site for a lot less! Why is she still here…?

Willow2010's picture


overit2's picture

And anyone who prefers to vent here rather then feed her craziness can do so on this blog Smile I will continue to delete her comments if she tries.

I'm awfully tempted to throw a suggestion to everyone to delete all their comments on her threads and just let her sit in her craziness filth.

PoisonApples's picture

I wouldn't believe a word of it. She's just making things up to get a reaction.

She's a nutcase with no real life.

LaMareOssa's picture

*Sigh* right there with ya....I will admit, it's so hard to ignore some people though. Sad

overit2's picture

Good idea...I wish the whole board would just ignore at this point...She had her fun-we had her fun back w/the lets let her slip into forum oblivion right? DAMN it's hard but I guess by responding we give her the attention she needs. Starve them...yes!!!

overit2's picture

Hopefully her Dh will get off his WoW game and take her to the loony bin if she is having a nervous breakdown. People like this don't deserve our support or help IMO.

Breakdown or not...she is manipulative, a liar a dysfunctional. Don't we have enough of that in our pasts or our DH's or BF's past to deal with?

caregiver1127's picture

I always say if you want something to go away ignore it!!! It eventually gets tired of being ignored and moves on to it's next site!!

hbell0428's picture

I agree; just don't respond to her; she is loving this and winning on this site; there are problems and concerns real people are having that aren't even being noticed becuase of this DUMB ASS!!! }:)

Have a wonderful evening ladies (or gents).........