Reaching out to ANYONE currently involved in a custody battle!!
Are you currently involved in a child custody case or suspect that you might be in the near future? My husband began his complaint for "change of custody" of his 2 children (girl 7 and boy 9)in November 2009, yet here we are today, March 2011 and still without any glimpse of the proverbial "light” at the end of the tunnel.
The opposing attorney & his client (my husband's ex), has managed to pull every stall tactic imaginable and how they are able to get away with it, I have no idea. It’s almost laughable how unethical her lawyer is. I mean, we are “only” talking about the health and safety of 2 small children.
Never mind the fact that his ex is a TERRIBLE mother; she arrogantly tops the cake with her “above the law” mentality and a thick layer of Parental Alienation icing.
My husband’s ex-wife has five children fathered by four different men. She also has five marriages under her belt to match the number of children she birthed. Now, do not get me wrong, I have nothing against women who idolize Elizabeth Taylor or Fertile Myrtle; I truly don’t so, my opinions of her stem primarily from factual events that I have personally witnessed and the factual events that took place while she was married to my husband; they are as follows.
Constantly leaving the children with teenagers (two of which are currently over the age of 17 but, have not managed to graduate high school and both have multiple arrest records). She lost custody of her third child who has lived with her father since the age of five. My husband’s children have suffered over exposure to vulgar language by her constantly leaving them alone with the influences of 14-18 year old adolescents. I mean, where else would they learn things like, “suck my penis”, cussing fish on YouTube and homemade rolled up cigarettes. She began rooming my husband’s children with these teenagers beginning at the age of five and today, at ages seven & nine, my DH's children are also still taking baths together because it is easier on Mommy.
Now, it’s no secret that the most beneficial parent will possess the greatest amount of stability amongst other things. Well, we already know that BIOMOM lacks marital stability (BTW: I am DH’s second wife) so, let’s compare the places we have called home.(BIOMOM, three moves in two years and DH, one!) These poor children have attended a different school for every grade they have entered (1st-3rd). Employment (BIOMOM three jobs in two years, DH has seventeen years at the same company)
The sad part of our story is the neglect that my husband’s children continue to suffer. One of his children has been left at Wal-Mart, they are constantly sick, we can prove that BIOMOM doesn’t give them their medication as prescribed, they have been seriously injured many times while in her custody.
BIOMOM "despises" me. Go figure! When I came into the picture, she immediately put DH on a strict visitation schedule. (he has joint custody to be shared equally 50/50 with an every other weekend schedule should the parties not agree. Obviously, she didn't agree that her ex-husband should remarry a woman not of her choosing so, in addition to limited visitation, she also moved his children out of their habitual state (the only state they have ever lived in) without DH’s knowledge or his consent. Not only did this move take them away from their father, it took them away from their entire family! She manipulates his poor children into alienation by making promises like the 12 days of Christmas while she bashes us to the children and to the entire Facebook nation. I’m guessing that she does this because it makes her feel better about herself.
The children are NEVER home (yeah right!)when DH calls to speak with them or they just simply don't answer the phone. If and when someone answers, he leaves a message but, not one single call has ever been returned. She will conveniently get his weekends mixed up by claiming a "misunderstanding". She schedules her family vacations while the children are scheduled to be with us. She entices them with slumber parties so that kids will call and beg to stay with BIOMOM.
To further prove to you how terrible this person is, she continues to violate the court ordered visitation schedule that was created and agreed to "after" she moved the children out of state. Again, by simply claiming it was a misunderstanding. However, that doesn’t explain ignoring the court ordered drop off time and why she is making us wait 30-90 minutes.
Stepdad is another subject that we can’t seem to escape. Honestly, the ONLY nice thing that I can say about him is that all of his tattoos are spelled correctly. In fact, the children are scared to death of their stepfather and this worries me to death. They have reported events to us such as him pulling their hair, choking them and they have witnessed their stepfather punching their eldest sibling in the face. Verbally, he has told them to get the F out of his car, I hate you, your mother hates you and I’ll stick my foot up you’re A if you don’t shut up; all of which, I don't doubt the children for one second. Thankfully, we have verifiable evidence of his termination from his last employer for choking a man. I can’t even say that stepdad is a better parent than BIOMOM is but, I can say that they are like PB&J so, it's likely that this marriage will be her last.
Stepdad has four kids (two are over the age of 18) and like BIOMOM, they have not graduated from high school and have arrest records as well.
The woman is truly a PSYCHO B*TCH from H*LL and that is on her "best" day. She wears the title "MALICIOUS MOTHER SYNDROME" stamped on her forehead and happily at that.
I won't dare go into the fact that she forged DH’s name to a loan that ultimately funded her breast augmentation surgery (during their separation). She had the audacity to steal a blank check from him, forged his name to that as well but this time, (after) the divorced was final). She excluded DH in her decision to voluntary repossess the vehicle that was jointly in his name. She has withheld his mail, opened his mail and sporadically paid on a water bill account that DH accidently left in his name (after their divorce was final)
Nevertheless, she did not make application for new services in her name, which would have stopped the billing in DH's name. In addition to stealing services, she didn’t even have the decency to let him know about the account once it became obvious to her that he forgot about it nor did she tell him about it 2 years later when she decided to move to another county. However, I will say that she was nice enough to sporadically pay enough on the account to avoid disconnection but, I guess once the bank informed her they would be foreclosing on the home, she decided to stop paying on the water bill as well. Three years later, my DH receives a phone call from a collection agency threatening to ruin his credit if he didn't immediately pay the balance of $576.10.
People, I am referring to utility services for a home that he longer owned.
On that note, he allowed her to refinance the marital home and via court order, she agreed to give him half the equity; well, take a big guess!! She screwed him out of that as well.
She "excuses" her behavior by claiming that I have "SECOND WIFE SYNDROME" but, my take on it is, if responding to her MALICIOUS MOTHER SYNDROME means that I have second wife syndrome then I guess I am guilty as charged. Apparently, I have no right to butt in on issues that affect my husband, my stepkids or even my own child. Yeah, like H*LL I don't Lady.
Anyway, I'm sure you can imagine our frustrations!!
Having no power in terms of fighting back, I suffer the brunt end of this whole ordeal because as a couple, my husband and I have jointly decided to set BOUNDARIES. The same boundaries that are automatically created when a former spouse remarries, she was crossing on a daily basis and only out of spite. So, be that as it may, I’m the problem according to her.
In terms of my husband’s custody case, all I can do is give him my support and a little research doesn’t hurt either. With that said, I recently came across a website that might help someone in our situation. I’ve decided to order the e book but, before I do, I just wanted to see if anyone else has heard of it and if so, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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We are at the tail end of
We are at the tail end of one. It has only been a year (this time) and we have won straight across the board. We have the kids now after 8 years of PURE HELL.