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Relationships between exes... where are you??

oddsareagainstme's picture

Ok so, this came up in the whole dirt bike trip debacle and I wanted to know how many of you are on which side of the issue. SO and BM had a very rough divorce. They went to counseling for 4 years, 236 sessions total. BM had paddle locked every cupboard, closet, shed, drawer (you name it, she locked it) about a month before SO moved out. SO wasn't allowed to pick SK's up from day care after work even though they still lived together because she knew that would count as parenting duties when it was time to go to court for custody. She even told the mediator that. They got kicked out of mediation because she was unreasonable. The last straw was that she would not sign off on SO having SK's on FATHERS DAY!! Anyways, she had it added into the court order that during drop off and pick up that SO has to stay on the driveway and in the vehicle. SO and BM are only allowed to make contact through text and e-mail. So essentially, they cannot make face to face contact. Even at sporting events they stay on the opposite sides of the group. Well, this was the conversation between SO and SS18 on Tuesday:

SS18: "Im telling mom soon. Waiting for SD16 to evacuate"
SS18: "It's not going to happen"
SO: "You've got to be kidding me!!!!"
SO: "I can't believe you still knuckle under. Her controlling BS has gone way too far."
SS18: "Sorry"
SO: "It's more than sorry. It makes me sad for you. That's ridiculous. Aren't you done being treated like a child?"
SS18: "Well one of you is always going to be disappointed in me for the rest of my life. So I might as well get used to it and take the lesser of the two evils. Thanks for being sad for me. I appreciate the compassion after the amount of stress I constantly have to deal with my entire childhood and for the rest of my life."
SO: "But do you see the difference?"
SS18: "I see the difference in other kids lives. Their parents can be within 100 feet of each other. Other kids don't constantly feel so nervous that they have to throw up just trying to make everyone happy for just one moment. Agree. Ridiculous.

which led me to ask, how many of you or your SO's are "the other people?" How many are close to what we have going on and how many have what the other kids have going on?


zerostepdrama's picture

DH and I can be around my Ex (BS11's dad). We can engage in brief conversations. We have sat together at sporting events. We are polite at drop off and pick up. I can call my Ex and we can discuss whatever needs to be discussed without there being an argument.

DH avoids BM at all costs. He will not attend anything that BM is at. He has learned through the many years of dealing with her that she is crazy and toxic so he avoids her at all costs. Even if that means missing a gskid's birthday party or whatever.

Her behavior has really affected his relationship with his kids. Not only because of the PAS that she does but because he finds it so hard to deal with BM that it often results in him having to push away some from the skids.

oddsareagainstme's picture

I personally have a very civil relationship with my ex. We don't have any court order in regards to BD4. We work out the schedule each January and we try to accommodate anything that comes up. At the beginning it wasn't as civil but we worked through that. We do not have a typical split relationship. But it works. I think it is great for BD4. Plus her life is not revolving around a broken court system.

Peridwen's picture

DH and BM are mostly civil to each other in public. There's an occasional tense moment, but for the most part both are on their best behavior in front of the kids.

My kid's picture

I don't guilt my son because it isn't healthy. He spends most of his time at his mothers house now since he got a girlfriend. I keep in touch and see him about twice a month. I know your dh is excited about this trip but he is just hurting the boy by laying it on thick. At least that's what I get from reading this.

oddsareagainstme's picture

I don't see how he was guilting him. He Simply had a conversation with him.

DaizyDuke's picture

He was guilting him. You even said it yourself:

Tuesday night SO said two words ("hi" and "yeah") to SS18. SS18 knew something was different. SO told SK's that he had no desire to go out the next day and we could all just sit in the muggy house and do some housework instead. Wednesday morning, SO woke up at 6:30 and headed out to do yard work (I swear he mowed the whole yard 3 times just so he didn't have to talk to SS18.)

How is that NOT guilting?

oddsareagainstme's picture

There was no guilting there. What was he supposed to say to him? He kept quiet as to not say something he shouldn't. He put a lot of thought into what needed to be said and how to say it. He didn't need to do it at 11:30 at night when emotions were high and moral was down. I applaud him for waiting until he had his emotions in check before saying something to SS18. I had no desire to go on the boat and I can't even imagine SO's lack of desire to go sit on a boat, after a 3.5 hour drive, with ANYONE that he had these feelings towards. There was no guilting. He didn't leave a 10 page list of housework for SK's to do. He just needed to be away. He needed to not be sitting 5 feet away from SS18 while he was trying to gather himself. By not saying anything he is guilting?? Would you rather him blow up and yell at SS18? Pretend like actions don't have consequences? What?

SM12's picture

My Dh and the SS's BM have a cordial relationship as long as it is all in her favor. She can pretty much say and do what she wants and DH buckles under.
I, however, can't be within 25 feet of her without wanting to smack the crap out of her so I stay away. It's not really too hard since the only time I would have to be around her is at the SS's never ending sporting events and I would rather watch paint dry.

My Xh and I had a great relationship. Our BS even said we should write a book on how to co-parent in a divorce situation.
That all went to hell a year ago and now we have NOTHING to do with each other.
XH took my kindness for weakness and actually had the nerve to ask for me to give him back the CS that he paid....really?? $50 a week is too much for you
so you want me to give you $2000 back?? It wasn't like he overpaid. He actually still owes me about $10,000.00 in back CS.
I just never pushed it because in every other way he was a decent dad. But that pushed me too far, I told him to shove it and he went on a
tirade to me and said some horrible things. Since then he only looks at me with disgust and I ignore him. BS is 18 now anyway so
as long as neither tries to turn BS against the other, things will remain as they are.

kathc's picture

My DH and skid's BM can be civil to each other and attend his events at the same time because my DH is a grown up and BM tries to not look like a psycho in public. She'll call and scream and rant at him, sure, and he hangs up. But in front of people she'll just pretend she's civil. DH just laughs at her so he's fine with being civil for skid's sake, she's more pathetic than anything.

misSTEP's picture

With my son's dad, it was a non issue as he didn't exercise visitation and had to be chased down for CS which didn't start coming regularly until my DS was almost 10. The last time he saw my DS26, he was 6 months old. Never even sent one Xmas or Bday card. Nothing. That was his "revenge" for me not marrying him. He popped up again when my DS was about 19 and wanted to meet him - but the ship had sailed at that point. My son politely declined although he HAS met and is close to his half-sister. I was sad for my son but relieved when I saw how BM was to DH!

DH had a No Contact Order placed in the CO because of how crazy BM was. BM was only allowed to snail mail or go through the neutral third-party exchange site unless there was an emergency or last minute change in schedule. Then she was allowed to text. She fought that more than ANYTHING else that my DH asked for. The judge even said that my DH was being so reasonable with what he was asking for and if it would have been up to the judge (i.e., if they hadn't mediated it prior to the hearing), she would have given my DH more.

So_Annoyed's picture

I am on good terms with my ExH, although he lately has gone through BS21 to tell me things instead of calling/texting me himself. He's got an issue apparently. We've been divorced a LONG time, it took years to get to a civil place. But we never put our child in the middle during those years.

As for DH, he tried the being civil thing with his ex, all it did was cause trouble. FF to now, 8 years later, BM is not allowed to have any contact with SD13 until she is good with the court. So basically SD will never see her again until she is over 18. BM and DH are to only have email contact, per the court. She texts him and calls him constantly, but no emails. ...sigh... She doesn't care about rules, obviously.

I have nothing at all to do with his BM issues. That is entirely his problem to deal with.

Is_What_It_Is's picture

In my/our situation, we are 45 minutes away from DD15 BD so we never see him or his wife outside of drop-off or pick-up. Dd sees him maybe 1-2 times a year due to their relationship difficulties. On those 2 instances of the year, we are courteous enough to stay in the car and wait for her to come out. Neither of us care to see or deal with the other so we just don't - all visitations are arranged through her and him texting information back and forth. I am not included at all - which suits me fine now that she is almost 16.

When she was younger and we did have more interaction, he was not allowed in my house (could only come to the door) and I never went in his either. By his choice, he never came to any of her school functions, teachers meetings, programs, etc. If I would happen to see them on the street now, I would just nod my head as recognition but not engage in any conversation more than I would any other stranger. Does that make me an "other, other people"? lol

momjeans's picture

I get along with my EX, but will avoid having to deal with him at all costs. He's weird. Acts strange. Has a lot of personal baggage leftover from me divorcing him. We have an adult child, so it's not hard. From my understanding, it doesn't bother our child.

DH and BM, on the other hand. They can barely be face to face or in the same room without some sort of conflict. BM always ends-up making an ass of herself and doesn't care who witnesses it. i cannot imagine what it must be like for SK10 - having a mother that can't behave herself, especially in public, and a father fruitlessly trying to do damage control.

Sweet T's picture

Mine hates me, has told me he wishes I was dead and says lies about me infront of our child to his girlfriend. He sends hateful emails and gives our son messages for me. We parallel parent and I only speak to him if necessary and try to only do so via text or email. Good times for all.

a better life's picture

Wow, I do feel kinda sorry for the kid because I do believe that has been and is his life. NOT GOOD! I would be like the moms in the bible where they are fighting over the kid and the ruler says I'll cut him in half and give you each one half and the real mother says no let her have him.

OP what happened that caused so much animosity?

I have had times like this with my x that were absolutely horrible and it is due to the fact that he is mentally ill (truly). Things are somewhat calm right now.

oddsareagainstme's picture

SO says the first red flag was before they even got married, he just hadn't realized it. She would always talk about high school and how horrible everyone was and how she hated every single one of them. She always felt like the world owed her something. Which I have slowly witnessed throughout the years. The day he filed for divorce, his mom called him bawling because BM sent her a letter in the mail with a page of the bible ripped out and a verse about how a son shall leave his mother and father once he gets married. She had a big long letter in there about how she was not a welcomed part of his life and that BM would see to it that their ties were broken. SO's childhood friend and his wife naturally became their "couple" friend. During the divorce he withdrew from everyone (many things going on there) and when he got back on his feet he invited them over for dinner. The next day they called and said sorry but we can't be your friend anymore. Come to find out BM say in their entryway and screamed at them for an hour and a half. This was two years after he moved out.
I guess what I am getting at, is that it is just in her nature. She is full of hate towards everyone!

Stepping_off_the_ledge's picture

My ex and I have a good co-parenting relationship. He understands our boundaries and never crosses them. When he picks up the kids he can have a conversation with myself and SO when necessary however it is always regarding the kids. It wasn't always this way but has evolved as time has gone by which is understandable.

SO and BM - they did have an amicable relationship prior to me. However that was because SO allowed her to do as she pleased. When we moved in together I initiated boundaries and as any narcissist would do she flipped her shit. And just for clarity so I am not portrayed as the 'mean SM' boundaries means she was no longer allowed to just break into our house! Huh who'd a thought that was something to actually be said lol.

oddsareagainstme's picture

I disagree. He doesn't guilt him or withhold affection/attention. Even SD16 said "he never gets mad at us." The reason she feels that way, is because up until now, he wouldn't get mad. He still won't get mad at SD16, because it is not up to her. A court order is a court order. Now that SS18 is of age, it IS his choice. Someone needs to say it to SS18. Just because BM has made him feel so horrible about everything his whole life, does not mean SO shouldn't teach him right and wrong. SO shouldn't walk on egg shells just to compensate for BM's treating him the way she does. How long is he supposed to excuse everything? There are consequences to all actions. Whether good or bad. SS18 needs to understand that he will be held accountable for the choices he makes in his life. He needs to make choices that will make him happy. No one else. Not his mom, not his dad, Just himself. If he doesn't learn to do that, life will not be a good one for him. How is SO punishing BM?

a better life's picture

I think what the kid is saying is it is very hard to find happiness when attached to every decision (that involves a parent) the baggage of disappointing or angering one of them comes as the price.