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Up until 2:00 am

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

So last night my H and I were up until 2:00 arguing about the skids and Christmas. Oh happy day! He thinks that I'm mean to his kids and make them feel uncomfortable. I said well what would you like me to do to make them feel better around me. I wasn't trying to be smart. I didn't even say it with a tone in my voice. He came back with well you should know how to act you are in customer service after all! I was serious I don't know what to do. I have tried everything. I feel like every time I'm around his kids they are constantly watching me and I know they are because H is always telling me stuff they said after I've been around them. It's never anything good. It's always how uncomfortable I make them feel or if I gave someone the wrong look. I can't take much more. I'm dreading Christmas because of all of this. I know that they will all be watching me now.


somerg's picture

The percentage of income that a man pays a BM in CS is inversely proportionate to the amount of real parenting performed by said BM

i totally disagree with that statment...although MOST bm's do put their kids best interest at heart and provide for the kids with's not always the case..