First of all, I am so happy I found this site. I was seriously about to lose my mind. I don't know how anyone copes with having a blended family, it is so common these days. Anyway, I feel so relieved after reading an old post from 2006 about resentment towards a step child. I typed "how to deal with resentment towards step child" on google and found this site and the post. I no longer feel like what I am feeling is off the wall or out of the ordinary. It is actually the opposite and normal! My situation is a little different considering my stepson was a result of a one night stand. I would really love to have interaction and advice from other SM's in the same situation. Here is my story (sorry if it is lengthy):
My BF and I have been in a relationship for two years and have lived together for almost the entire time. I knew when we met he had a son as a result of a one night stand. He was a 17 year old kid about to start his senior year of high school, the mother was 19, and he was drunk at a party. Once the child was born, in 2001, he ordered a paternity test and it was 99.9 % his child. He then sent checks to the BM, not court ordered, which she in turn got a job at the bank and stole all of this money and SS#. Needless to say she has a felony and he has not had contact with her or the child since he was a year old. Recently, the BM contacted me and wants to be civil. She is now married and feels she is a changed person. We are now trying to establish a relationship with the child, he will be 9 years old next month. My BF is happy to be in contact with his biological son but would like to have never seen the BM again. The BM's new husband is a really nice guy, not sure how she ended up with him, but we are both grateful he is in the picture.
The feelings I have had now that I am having to accept the role as SM are really confusing. I am a very type A person and like to be in control of my own life. I do not feel in control of my life or the situation. I do feel that what we are doing is right but it doesn't make the situation any easier. I have been picking fights with my BF, soon to be husband, over being insecure about the situation. My biggest reason for being hurt is that I very much want my own children with my BF. It is very hard to see a child that looks so much like him but also looks like the mother and not be jealous. I know that my BF never wanted the child to begin with and our child will be planned and welcomed, but I still feel jealous. I also have anxiety over the feelings that my BF will have for the child. I know that is selfish but I have had all of his love and devotion for the past two years. I know it will only be natural for him to have feelings for his biological child but I just don't want it to get in the way of our relationship. What if I can't deal with the situation? What is these feelings of resentment and jealousy don't ever go away? Also, financially the child is prolonging our marriage and children by the amount of child support he has to pay. Lastly, my other issue is with the BM wanting to have contact with my BF's family and have us attend bday parties and such with her family. The door was already opened long ago with my BF's mother trying to befriend the BM so she could have access with the grandchild. All behind by BF's back and so now the BM is trying to contact my BF's sister. This makes me mad b/c she has no place in his family. My BF said he would NEVER allow her to involve herself with his family nor will he be involved with hers. It's a touchy situation but I guess we are all going through similar situations.
Any advice on how to cope?
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First of all, welcome to ST.
First of all, welcome to ST. I'm pretty new here myself, and even though I don't post much (since I barely have a moment to myself to), I always come on at least weekly to read everyone's story. No, you are not alone, yes, all the feelings you have are normal. I felt the same way when SS9 came into the picture (when he was 2). It is not going to be an easy road for you, but if you are willing to work out your issues and maybe if you can, speak to your BF about the feelings you are having, then that is a huge step for you.
I know that a SS may stir up some feelings of jealousy in you, but understand that the love your BF has for his son is totally different than the love he has for you; not more powerful, nor less, just different. Also, being a SM is difficult, but it can have its rewarding moments. For example, my SS9 is closer to me than he is to his father, and though sometimes he irks me with things he may do or say, I try not to personalize it and think of it as that in any relationship, there will be conflict. If you see him more as your BF's son than anything else, I do believe you can work past the feelings of jealousy.
As for what your BF's family did behind his back, I think it is only natural that they should want to have a relationship with their grandson/nephew, but I do agree with you that having a close relationship with BM might bring about some unneeded conflict, if your BF allows it to.
Now you are a SM. Think of it as sort of a rebirth for you, and that now you have an added person in your life to love. Start getting to know SS, but of course set boundaries, and try to just accept him for now. I don't know the name of the person on this site who always finishes her posts with something like "my ss did not grow in belly, he grew in my heart", but it is so true. You are lucky in that at least you don't have to worry about your BF getting back with BM, since they never really had a relationship to begin with, and if she's trying to be civil, for God's sake, run with it!! Not too many BM's are willing to be civil to SM......
Again, welcome, and I hope you find some solace within a group of people who know exactly what you're going through.
Also, I wanted to add that
Also, I wanted to add that maybe you should try not to view the child as the scapegoat for your marriage being prolonged, because the child did not ask to be born into this world. I know that the easiest thing might be to blame the child, but maybe this is a blessing in disguise, because now you get to see what you are going to deal with before you jump the broom. The child isn't going anywhere, and I doubt you would respect your fiancee should he abandon his own flesh and blood, so just try to make the best of it. It's not all bad...
I am new to this site too.
I am new to this site too. I have been reading and talking to a few folks. It seems like resentment toward step chikldren is a common complaint among many step mothers. It is hard to bond with a child that is not your own, that is natural. It is even harder when the child tries to be difficult. If you love your partner, just focus on that and build your life with him. Try to relax and again, realize that your emotions are normal. Try not to allow yourself to get caught up in any drama that the BM may cause. Stay cool. You will be o.k.
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your helpful comments. I really appreciate the feedback!