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DYFS...just sayin...

newmommy12's picture

My 8 year old stepdaugther gets these wicked stomach aches all the time....and has been to the ER three of those times...each time was told she is dehydrated and needs to drink more water. 1 million dollars later in ER visits and she is back again!(not really, but you know what I mean)
Get a hint MOM.....drinking 5 glass of WHOLE MILK a day and no water or juice combined with mac and cheese, cookies and chips and waffles as your diet is bound to screw up your stomach!!!
UUUGGGGGG....I'm not mother of the year, but come on!


Auteur's picture

These psycho BMs have no clue what a proper diet is. I think they actually LOVE the drama of sending their kid to the ER and therefore ignore all common sense and advice. Can you say Munchasens by proxy?

uncommon's picture

Ugh. That is ridiculous. My daughter carries a water bottle all day at school and drinks mostly water at home. I don't get how people don't understand basic crap like this in 2011. My parents never had us drink water - I had to learn how to be normal as an adult and IT SUCKED.

Sorry you have to deal with this - and sorry for the kid too :(.

MyLifeMyRules's picture

Well Nutbag BM acctualy said in court last year that we are ABUSEING both ss9 and my BDs 11&12 because we *gasp* only allow soda on special occasion and force them to eat whatever is on their plate even the fresh vegetables!! (my girls LOVE veggies) she said if we would stop being so stubborn and FRY them he would eat them..... Oh by the way BMs 6 yr old daughter started walking at 3 1/2 because her legs couldnt hold her obese weight AND now at 6 YRS OLD wears ADULT DIAPERS because she is not yet potty trained...... The woman is a pillar of health and a stellar parent......