OT - Thirsty Thursday
Besides WATER, do you have a go-to drink when you're thirsty?
Mine is 7-Up. I don't drink pop often, but when I do, it's usually 7-Up. It's not overly sugary/sweet and the ONE pop I can drink if it gets warm. It also eases heartburn and soothes an upset tummy. I woke up this morning still tasting the hot wings I ate last night. BLECH! One bottle of 7-Up later, my thirst is quenched, my stomach is settled, and I'm no longer burping hot wings.
BONUS: 7-Up is a great mixer with Torched Cherry Rum and whiskey!
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I stopped drinking soda in
I stopped drinking soda in 1999. I don't miss it at all, but I will indulge in an orange Crush once or twice a year. For some reason I crave that fake fruit flavor sometimes.
Beebeel, I cut
Beebeel, I cut waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on the pop and switched to drinking Klarbrunn and Lacroix (brands of sparkling water). I do enjoy an occasional A&W Root Beer or a Coke, but 7-Up has always been my fave.
Go to other than high quality
Go to other than high quality H2O would be iced tea, after that coffee, and then wine...sweet sweet nectar of the gods.
Sweet nectar, indeed!!
Sweet nectar, indeed!!
Milk. Ice cold milk. Aaaaand
Milk. Ice cold milk. Aaaaand now I’m heading to the fridge.
I had a big glass of ice cold
I had a big glass of ice cold milk this morning. Sometimes I sprinkle in some cinnamon.
Oooh! Cinnamon milk? Why have
Oooh! Cinnamon milk? Why have I never thought of that?
Ways to tszuj up
Ways to tszuj up milk:
Almond extract
Vanilla extract (with cinnamon or nutmeg)
Mint extract
Mashed strawberries
Mashed blueberries
Sometimes I pour the milk in the blender and add frozen fruit: strawberries, blueberries, peaches...
Coca Cola, it has been 13
Coca Cola, it has been 13 days, 1 hour and 50 minutes since I had my last one
On a less addict sounding note I have also lost 4.7kgs since I gave it up. I’ve also given up sweets and take aways. Next is smoking.
Mon, I admire your willpower.
Mon, I admire your willpower. I'll eat a candy bar for you.
Mine is also coke- but I
Mine is also coke- but I can't drink it. I LOVE the harshness of it. When you're hot, it feels great!
7-up is amazing also. Always reminds me of the hospital(in a good way) because that's what they offer you.
But, the only things that actually make me feel immediately hydrated are coconut water and gatorade (even more so, the coconut water). Drink that, you feel better right away.
I like the cherry Gatorade
I like the cherry Gatorade that is white. Glacier cherry?? Cherry and fruit punch are my drinks when I'm sick or sweating like a sinner in church.
The white Gatorade is the
The white Gatorade is the best!! I drink that after taekwondo class, when I'm absolutely parched. Heavenly!
Sugar free Powerade. I don't
Sugar free Powerade. I don't know why but I am hooked on it. I drink it night and day. I am going to end up with cancer from whatever sweetener it is that they use. However, for years I drank Lacroix and one day I just got sick of it. Still have some at home and at work but can't bring myself to drink it.
Send that Lacroix to me,
Send that Lacroix to me, woman!!
I should. I did drink one the
I should. I did drink one the other day when I didn't realize we were out of Powerade and I wanted some vodka. That's what I miss about Lacroix, the kids wouldn't touch it. They love the powerade.
I always hid my pop from the
I always hid my pop from the skids. Usually in the veggie bin of the fridge under some stuff or waaaaaay at the back on the bottom shelf behind other things. If it's not pop, they won't drink it. ~eye roll~
I should start hiding it.
I should start hiding it. They wouldn't figure it out. They are "blind" unless it's right in front of them.
I hide it so well, that DH
I hide it so well, that DH misses it!! But I also hide things in the freezer and other places. They're in "decoy" boxes/bags. }:)
So the "shrub" is this old
So the "shrub" is this old time drink that uses sparkling or plain water, apple cider vinegar and sugar...I use stevia. Kinda tangy, kinda salty, kinda sweet and probably the most refreshing drink I have ever had in the summer. I read that the women folk used to take it to the hands out in the fields. I do not know why it is named "shrub" LOL! I have tried all types of vinegar in them, even balsamic, and they are all great.
Will you post the
Will you post the proportions?
Robin333, I start with 8-10
Robin333, I start with 8-10 ounces of water/sparkling water, 1 T vinegar and about 8 drops of Stevia Clear. I have tried it with 2 T vinegar and it was a little harsh and I made faces that scared my dogs :(....taste is relative and the ingredients can be adjusted but these are the basic proportions I use.
Thank you Verona’s!
Thank you Verona’s!
What about raspberry vinegar?
What about raspberry vinegar? I have yet to find a sugar substitute I can tolerate. They're all nasty. Although I did buy some unrefined coconut sugar for a new recipe I'm making this weekend. It tastes a bit like brown sugar.
Aniki, I have used raspberry
Aniki, I have used raspberry vinegar, fig vinegar and even truffle vinegar (very think and sweet)....I have yet to find one that doesn't work. Many of the natural sweeteners I use are as you describe and they do have a brown sugar/maple/caramel flavor but I have not tried them with this drink. If you use a sweetened vinegar, such as balsamic or a glace vinegar, they may be sweet enough to forego additional sweetening...OR, just stick ya finga in it LOL!!!!!!
Veritas, if I stick my finger
Veritas, if I stick my finger in it, I might poison myself! }:)
Weird! I would like to know
Weird! I would like to know how to make it also- would like to try it with stevia.
I mainly drink water and I
I mainly drink water and I usually have green tea in the morning. I also brew my own kombucha so I'll have a glass of that every couple of days as well. I don't do sugary drinks at all.
I like green tea, but only
I like green tea, but only flavored one like strawberry or mango. But I drink my tea without honey or sugar and find plain green tea too bitter.
What does kombucha actually
What does kombucha actually taste like? I'm pretty scared of it, but curious.
You can flavor kombucha
You can flavor kombucha however you want if you brew your own. I personally use frozen fruit like blueberries or peaches. If you buy it, there are various flavors depending on the brand. I like a couple of different flavors from Rise brand.
I drink a lot of water,
I drink a lot of water, daily.
I don’t drink soda. I probably have a Coke once a year.
So, I’m going to go with a quality double IPA (7.5% or higher).
IPA is cool, momjeans!
IPA is cool, momjeans!
Usually water, for me.
Usually water, for me. Sometimes club soda with fresh squeezed lemon or lime and I have taken a liking to Lacroix.
Lacroix passionfruit and
Lacroix passionfruit and mango are delicious!!
I bought the Mango, once, and
I bought the Mango, once, and every time I drank one, I thought of Big Bang Theory and Sheldon making Leonard a Mango-Caterpillar sno-cone!
OMG, I forgot about that.
OMG, I forgot about that. LMAO!!!
Mmmm. Lacroix is great!
Mmmm. Lacroix is great!
It's good with Vodka, too!
It's good with Vodka, too!
Torched Cherry Rum!!!
Torched Cherry Rum!!!
I have not tried that but you
I have not tried that but you seem to like it so it must be good!
Hereiam, if you've ever had a
Hereiam, if you've ever had a good cherry coke or a tasty Shirley Temple as a kid, Torched Cherry Rum makes the adult version of those drinks. It's a step back to childhood with an adult kick! It's made by Bacardi.
I just read some reviews,
I just read some reviews, people said it doesn't have that fake, yucky cherry flavor. I will have to pick some up. I bet it would be good in the Cherry Lime Lacroix.
Ooooooo, I haven't seen that
Ooooooo, I haven't seen that one. Sounds tasty!
Unsweetened iced tea. Because
Unsweetened iced tea. Because Im already sweet. Sometimes ginger ale.

I sweeten my iced tea with
I sweeten my iced tea with lots and lots of LEMON.
Water with lemon, and green
Water with lemon, and green tea straight no sugar. Coffee though I need sugar and milk. White wine is reserved for SD drama b*tch days which happens often judging from the number of bottles in the recycling box.
Agreed Aniki 7 up the best for upset stomach.
Dovina, are you saying you
Dovina, are you saying you could break glass dropping another wine bottle into that bin?
I don't know why 7-Up works so well. My DH swears by Tums. They don't do a thing for me.
Watered down apple juice and
Watered down apple juice and pepsi when I need carbonation.
We use sprite and/or 7-up with orange vodka
Clear carbonated beverages
Clear carbonated beverages are perfect for concealing colorless liquor...