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My brother wants to marry a BM :(

newbiestepmom25's picture

My brother came to me and asked me how he should propose to his GF. I choked on my broccoli and feta pizza. This girl is 22 and has two kids by two different fathers. She dresses like she just stepped off a pole. Every time I see her she has a bottle or a glass of alcohol in her hand. She makes me think of how BM2 probably was when she was younger. She is always cursing at her kids and she believes in spanking even her youngest who is only 2. I don't understand what my brother sees in her. I think he will be making the biggest mistake of his life by marrying her. Please help I don't know what to say to my brother. He is the kind of person that if you say you don't think something is a good idea he will fight harder for it.

My brother is only 25 and is handsome kind and educated he can do so much better. I don't want him to end up in stephell supporting some girl ad her spawns. Please help. what can I do?


Lalena75's picture

My response (taught to me by none other than exh) tell him do whatever. No expansion on that just do whatever. He'll stew on it and likely still make whatever choice he was going to and you can neither be blamed or blamed.

Starla's picture

Can you encourage your brother to read some of these stories from Step Talk?