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BM cant just leave SS with us for another month!

newbiestepmom25's picture

SS10 got off the phone with BM2 and told us that his mom said he has to stay with us through august. DH called her and she said she has stuff to take care of this summer and she won't be home until september. Our CO states that we get him until the third week of july. DH kept trying to tell BM she just can't tell us he is staying an extra month. Not that we don't want him here. He is a handful but we love him. Its just that DH doesn"t want SS starting school late and we didn't plan for an extra month. We can't just put him on a plane next month if BM won't be there to get him. What can we do?


newbiestepmom25's picture

There will be an chaperone/flight attendant with him checking on him the whole flight like it was when he arrived and they checked DHs I.D before giving SS10 to him. Anyways I'm really scared to send him and her not show up and his little heart be broken and its scary and risky. I don't trust BM. I'm actually considering taking off work and flying with him so if she is not there he wont be alone and I can report her.

purpledaisies's picture

I would follow the Co period. Send her an email out lining everything so that you have it in writing that way she can't claim that you kept him or that she didn't know she had to be there to pick him up. Either way cover your ass.

whatwasithinkin's picture

"Anyways I'm really scared to send him and her not show up and his little heart be broken and its scary and risky."

She is counting on this. Send her a certified letter return receipt with a copy of the CO in ref to visitation. Include his return flight information day and time. Then advise that you will be expecting that she will be following the CO and will be there upon arrival.

Make sure SS has a prepaid cell if nothing else for communication, put him on the plane and send him on his way.

Call her bluff

hereiam's picture

This woman is a manipulative, low life biatch. Don't play her games or let her call the shots, not even once.

Yes, it will be hard to send him not knowing if she will be waiting for him, but he will have a chaperone and is not going to be wandering the streets by himself. If she doesn't show up (which I don't think will happen), she will have to answer to authorities.

simifan's picture

While I realize this is expensive - I would tell her you were sending him home as per CO & have DH go with SS. IF she is not there to get him I would turn around & file in court the next day for custody for abandonment.