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New here and looking for lots of support!

Macystarz's picture

Hello, I am in a very complicated relationship! I have a 10 year old boy and my boyfriend has a 9 and ten year old boy. I often feel like I am at the bottom of the totem pole. My BF boys come first, his job where he travels 50% of the time, and his ex that seems to be able to call all the shots.

He has signed the papers months ago and his ex won't. Even though it was she who left him. She blames her lawyer as her excuse for not signing.

His sons don't want him dating and he carries guilt for the family breaking up even though it is his ex who had affairs and left him.

My bf says I am only friends to his kids as his one son has psychological issues and threatens suicide from time to time and is only 10. I think the boy pulls those kind of games as a mechanism for control. If I push my bf to come clean with his boys, I will be responsible for whatever fallout will result. If I do nothing, I will always feel at the bottom of the totem pole.



herewegoagain's picture

Get out. Sigh. Sorry, but this sounds worse than most of us here. Without the crazy kids threatening suicide, we usually pay for all their pathetic parenting and manners...I would never allow this over my head...

belle_27's picture

oh god, reading that makes me feel like my issues are nothing.. that sounds very very very full on..

Macystarz's picture

Yes our situation is complex and difficult. If we didn't love each other so much, there would be any way I'd stick around. We are going to go into therapy together. I am hoping this will help us move forward. My bf says time will heal, but I am skeptical, as I think that's just kicking the can down the road.

Done WIth It's picture

Gee, let's see.....

1. Get involved with a man with issues and a controling ex-wife that will definately make your life miserable?

2. Meet someone with a good head on his shoulders and a good job to boot. Thus, living a stable and saner life.

Hmmmm....which is better for your son. I think you know.