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A wild year.

The Neverending Story's picture

Hello all. It's been a year since I last posted. At that time I was leaving him and did so. Filed for disolution and it was granted. Finalized the end of March 2020. Freedom??? Yes in many ways. Lots of personal work??? Absolutely. Recovering??? Yes, trying to. 

I married a man who was emotionally unavailable, manipulative, difficult, tryng, and exhausting. I was the suzy homemaker codependent he saw coming from a mile away.  We each had 2 children from previous marriages. Mine nearly grown when we met. Neither bio kid perfect but I was the parent, they were the kids. His 2 were of age but riddled with drug and alcohol issues AND the mess that comes from living that life. Legal issues, can't hold down jobs, don't raise their children (my exSD's have 7 children total, neither have custody of any of their kids).

I struggled. I tried so hard. I was broken down and put back together the way he wanted...which was a total mess. I was manipulated to the point that I didn't know which end was up. 

Love bombing and gaslighting entail varying levels of manipulation. They are methods used to change you, alter who you are. You wake up one day and believe you are crazy or just mean or something along those lines. Or you suddenly realize the person you once were; likely a good hearted, loving person; is just a distant memory. You find that you can no longer make decisions for yourself, all decisions are based upon what you think this other person in your life wants. Unfortunately though, all your 'good intentions' are now bad, wrong, even evil. Nothing feels right, everything is 100% wrong down to your core. But you hang on hoping this other person will somehow give you their approval and be happy with you...just you, as you are. Alas, it never happens. Day in, day out; week after week, month after month, year after year. You have been torn apart and put back together like a tragic 6th grade school science project. 

I came to realize my problem was not so much being a step mom or having a blended family. It was his manipulation and my codependency. Reading the forums and blogs here, I realized I was not alone. Many on here seem to be encountering exactly what I have and I guess why I felt compelled to come back and post this.

There came a point when we got custody of his 2 youngest grandkids. I really felt trapped after that. They are the innocent ones in all this. They deserve none of whats happened to them. But when all was said and done I still ended up having to leave him. I was physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually a walking dead person. While we still have joint custody of the little ones; I AM NO LONGER A NANNY, MAID, OR WIFE APPLIANCE.

So for the past 13 months I've been on a very bumpy, rocky road to regaining myself. I felt hopeless and helpless for a long time before leaving him and have had many days this last year where I just wasn't sure how to make it through even one more day. 

My kids and parents have been supportive through it all. My sister tried to be, but my craziness with ExH drove a wedge between us that I dont know can be repaired.  I left a marriage broke, unemployed, and with little more than my clothes and few personal belongings. Today I have a full time job, apartment of my own, shared custody of the 2 little ones, and a day by day life.

My point to all this is just to say that no matter your situation, if you need to go, if you need to get out to save your sanity and your soul then do so. If you can get counseling or find a support group then do that. Emotional abuse takes it toll.

It is possible to start over even if you feel tasked in this life with the impossible.


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Good for you. I completely understand how hard it is to leave and then recover from being emotionally abused 

Everything you said is what I felt after leaving exH. It's been 6 years and there are still small moments of residual anxiety from the PTSD but rare.  Not like in the beginning when just hearing his name would trigger me.

But the first few years were definitely difficult. I had a lot to work through. I had to find myself again. It was a process.

The only advice I can give is to look at each day as a new adventure and stay focused on yourself and your goals and don't look back. Work on putting all those bad experiences behind you and leave it in the past where it belongs.

He no longer has any control over you. You are your own person and in charge of your destiny.

Aunt Agatha's picture

Good for you for figuring out you are much stronger and more capable than you ever knew!  It's hard moving on from dark places, and doubly great to see how far you've come once you left!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm so happy for you!!! Too often, people resign themselves to staying in a bad relationship. Even when they recognize the toxicity and abuse. It took time and effort for me to recover from my psycho exh, but I escaped and that is the most important thing. Nice to see you loved yourself enough to take back your life. {{{HUGS}}}

acef92's picture

I'm so happy for you! No one deserves to live in a situation like that, you deserve happiness and peace in your life and of course good people around you, Thanks for sharing your story <3 

CLove's picture

Thank you for the wonderful update, you made my whole day so much better! (((Hugs)))

The Neverending Story's picture

Thanks everyone. Appreciate all the comments.

It's all a process. Some days are still really hard. It's not over cuz I left but it's getting better. I've struggled with depression most of my life but never the anxiety before I met exH. The anxiety creeped in from his manipulation and the stress of being with him. Today I have a better life and more days are easier to get thru, some days are even good. I've even started to feel happiness again. A sense of peace and joy in things from time to time. I take it day by day, but more days are better than not. And all my days are 250% better than any day I was with ExH.

As I said in my OP, for anyone reading this who needs to go, needs to get out of a situation PLEASE DO THAT!!! Starting over, moving on, being you again is possible.