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mylife10's Blog

What a lovely weekend! Thanks to everyone's advice!

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Well I have to thank you all for all your support. I did make some headway this weekend, well really on thursday...I finally got to talk with my SO. I had made my decision, and i think i want to move on with my life.....I posted a huge entry here on thursday, but low and behold its not here(it was just an update of more BS that has been going on in my household)
Well to start the RUGRATS are GONE! and good riddens to all 3 of those tyrants!

Todays Rant! Everyday gets worse

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Another crazy night in my household, with my 3 SD's who think they are all Queen Elizabeth, and should be wearing the crown. Not a moment after I return home from work my BF is gone ( off doing what, I have no idea, and I am starting to wonder if he's up to something) My SD's are running up and down the stair case of my house. There is potato chips and juice boxes on every inch of my floor in the kitchen and living room.