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Mrs.Desperate's Blog

I'm not enough.

Mrs.Desperate's picture

Over the last few weeks, I feel that we're losing eachother. DH and I have been going through this really big issue with the skids, and I don't think either of us can take it anymore. We've been fighting all day, every day. We seem to be on the same page about what is happening, but for some reason we're getting on eachother's nerves all the time. I'm irritated at everything he does, and he seems to be just plain upset. He has been kind of insulting some times, and I know that what he's saying is not really what he feels, but I can't help getting upset over it.

The two BMs

Mrs.Desperate's picture

I said to my husband the other day: "Our marriage has nowhere to go but up. There's nothing else that could happen to us right now that could make this situation any worse." I was wrong!!

So, I have three stepsons: SS15 from DH's first relationship. SS8 and SS4 from DH's second relationship. I am, however, his first wife.

What's it like for stepfathers? Are there any on here?

Mrs.Desperate's picture

I keep thinking about the poor man who is shacked up with the BM. She has been such a disappointment in the last few weeks, that I can imagine she is putting him through a worse hell that she has put us, but he doesn't seem to be complaining. Not that I talk to him or anything, but the skids seem to be so happy with him and like him so much that it is scary.

The BM is lying!!!

Mrs.Desperate's picture

I am now sure that this woman is lying AND making her children lie. She keeps telling DH not to talk to SS8 about the lies because he will feel guilty, and she refused to meet DH to talk to him about it.

DH is on my side. He KNOWS that I didn't hit his kids, not because he trusts me (which he does), but because he was with me 100% of the time the kids have been here.

I feel so sad, and so stupid that I ever considered this woman to be my friend. She seemed so in place and with her feet on the floor, but she has proven to be exactly the contrary.


Mrs.Desperate's picture

Please help me! I'm on the verge of packing my bags and leaving. I cannot continue to live like this.

I have now a new account in which I don't use my real name, so you won't be able to find my older blogs, but I will explain: