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morgan_minx80's Blog

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr A Rant About BM And Her POS Rapist Fiance

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So ss11 comes back at 3pm today. As soon as he walks in you can hear the venom in his voice. He comes in and wants batteries for something. Cant find none in his room and comes into us to ask for batteries.

We just run out and SO says to go round your nans and ask for some. So he bounces off out the place. Comes back and says his nan isnt in but got some off his mate. He's still bitching and we ask him what's up.

Chances Are BM And Her Rapist DF Know About Baby

morgan_minx80's picture

Not that I care but my SO told ss last Tuesday and he was at BM's this past weekend. He has told his sister, so chances are BM knows. We heard on the grapevine that BM and her DF are trying for their 2nd baby, so if this is true I hope iv pipped the fat b*tch to the post lol. Wicked I know but I hate her f*ckin guts.