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What do i do?!

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I haven't watched FSD4 in two weeks well today I'm watching her and we give her a lil "you time" in her room. Well today she wasn't having it!I put her in there and she says "you're a little wussy" so I put her in timeout for it and she says "you're a sissy little brat!" Uggh what do i do now?? I tell her dad I'm sure he's gonna punish her but it obviously doesn't work everyone were alone she does stuff like this. TIME TO DISENGAGE?!

breaks my heart

MorethanSM's picture

So BM told FSD4 that she would pick her up Wednesday and tomorrow being Wednesday I.hope she's good for her word because FSD4 is looking forward to it but almost every time BM says she'll come she makes excuses or we won't hear from her all together. I can't stand her breaking her daughters heart like that!

I asked 1 favor

MorethanSM's picture

I have been watching FSD4 for the past 2years waking up at 7am with her and if anyone knows me they know I'm a sleeper! By no means am I morning person and I always woke up with his daughter because he had to work and well now he's in school so I'm trying to disengage so I asked him to keep her quiet so I can sleep till 10 and do you think he could do that for me?? Of course not! I'm so pissed I'm not asking to sleep all day or anything I didn't chose to have children why should I have to sacrifice my sleep?! Ugh I'm tired!!(of more than just my lack of sleep)

Of course

MorethanSM's picture

BM hasn't seen FSD4 in two weeks and sketch had her two days and she's already making excuses to drop her off. FDH is pissed! We just want her to spend time with her daughter for once! Ugh she's so selfish

never sincere

MorethanSM's picture

Ugh BM called and I was talking to FSD4 when BM get on with a monotone voice saying "thanks for taking care of her, bye" then my FDH tells me her dad drilled into her that she needs to be greatful towards me cuz I do so much for FSD. Yea I appreciate her saying anything at all.but she's an adult she needs to do it cuz its the right thing to do not cuz shes TOLD to do it!!

finally a night alone

MorethanSM's picture

I love my fsd4 with all my heart and more but I needed a break! BM picked her up for the weekend(this is rare) or at least till tomorrow. My FDH have the night alone and it's exciting and relaxing:) a drama free night! That is if BM doesn't try calling with vs drama! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

im new heres my story

MorethanSM's picture

I'm 21 and my fiance is almost 30 he has a 4yr old daughter which I take care of 85% of the time the BM is bipolar schizophrenic! She's young also and clearly wants to live her life her way. She sees her daughter whenever its convenient for her and brings her presents to make up for her lack of parenting I guess. Like I said I take care of her most of the time and its exhausting!I'm 21 I should be having the time of my life but I feel obligated to this child because I feel like she should have a positive female role model in her life. Advice?!