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SO just proved that men are idiots

morethanibargainedfor's picture

What. The. Fack.

This is a sort of follow up to a post I made in the forums about SO not communicating with me about anything. ever.

We had a huge fight at the beginning of the week because I brought up something that was bothering me and he refused to talk about it. He's been out of town for work so after 2 days of fighting and angry texts I finally gave up and basically just said fine whatever. I will deal with this issue on my own and you just do whatever you want and then nothing will ever get solved and we will keep having the same fight. So I dropped it. We sort of made up and went back to normal and there has been no more fighting this week.

So this morning I get a text that says "I feel closer to you in the last couple days...maybe because you sort of respect my view?".
What??? Are you facking kidding me??? I didn't agree to your view and I sure as hell don't respect your view of not communicating with your partner. What the fuck???

He just proved that he's dumb and that men are dumb and don't get it. Just because I ended the fight and moved on doesn't by any means mean that I respect your view!

Ugh! There needs to be a wine bar in my workplace!


Generic's picture

I used to think men were dumb, but now I think they're playing dumb. Think about it, if they were really this air headed, would we trust them to run companies? Be doctors? Policemen? Run countries?

Crazy? No, crazy like a fox- oldest trick in the book.

My DH has no emotional barometer when it comes to me or even his own daughters sometimes. I used to think he had Aspergers until I realized that his deficiency is very selective.

Aeron's picture

I think a certain type of man is very prone to this thought. If you aren't actively fighting with them about something you Must agree with them. I had an ex that I swear thought I was an absolute moron. Because I didn't agree with him about quite a few things. So he tried to continually explain to me. He simply did Not accept the phrase "Yes, I understand what you're saying. I simply don't agree with you." Obviously if I understood I would have Had to agree since he was right about Everything.

You gave up the fight. Therefore you must now respect his view. It's a power play in my mind. Because the statement either resparks the whole fight and then you're a total bitch because he can whine about you not really being honest with him or some total BS like that Or he takes a lack of response as agreement that you do respect the view and then he's justified and 'right'. And this why that ex is an ex.