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What to do about SS18 Who is Graduated .....

momof5_1969's picture

He graduated in June from high school, and had a one day per week job all summer long. So pretty much all summer long he got to do whatever he wanted all day long (play video games, hang out with friends, watch tv, etc). Well, here it is nearly 5 months later -- he was still working one day a week, and now he is taking one class that takes up one full day plus 3 hours of another day during his week. So this means that he has basically 2 days (8 hours on each of those days) and 3 hours on another day that he is busy. Otherwise, he is playing video games or watching television. Most of his time is spent playing video games.

Again, he is 18 years old. We have tried to encourage him gently to go get a full time job because I think he could work a full time job and take his ONE class. With all the spare time that he has playing video games, he could study during that time rather than playing video games. HE IS BEING LAZY!!!

I tried talking to him last night with no luck. He says that he is job hunting and that he applied at all these "grunt" jobs that are "below" him. I about blew my stack. Then his sister (SD16) pipes up and says she is too good to work at McDonalds. I am sitting there with my jaw on the ground in disbelief. I said, what makes you both think that you are too good to work at these lowly jobs? What makes you so much better than those people working at McDonalds or at these other "lowly jobs" --- as you call them? I was pissed!!

I told my DH last night that I was sickened by their behavior last night. I told him for them to say that sickened me. I went from working in a prestigious law office making very good money, to babysitting and wiping baby's butts for $8.00 per hour! We are not above ANYTHING! Any job you have you do it, and you do it well.

I am disgusted that he has not instilled a good work ethic in his children. Makes me sick!!

I am pissed that this boy is being lazy .... he needs to get off his butt and quit playing video games. My DH is the kind of man who likes to beat around the bush and hope that they will make the right decision. Well, five months later and we're not there yet. SS18 says he just doesn't want to settle for a lowly job and get stuck in it. I told him he has to start somewhere, and he is going to school and taking classes. This is what you do when you are 18!!

Arrrrg! I'm tired of lazy. Okay, I'm done venting.


Willow2010's picture

Get with your DH and make some house rules….
1) ANY kid/skid, that has graduated High school, MUST go to college FULL time and work at least part time (2-3 days a week)
2.) They will have chores to clean the house at least once a week and will keep all common areas free of clutter.
If they cannot abide by these rules they have 30 days to move the hell out of the house.

How can your husband stand to see his kids turn out like that??! It seems like he would be pushing this more than you. Since they are his kids and all. lol

stepgin's picture

Ah, another member of the "entitlement" generation! My rule was that if you weren't going to college full time, then you're paying a fair amount in rent. When my daughter heard that her response was "If I'm paying rent, then I'm getting my own place!!!!!" She was nineteen at the time and had dropped out of college due to excessive partying. I just told her that was her perogitive. Smile

She was in her own place within a month and soon found out it wasn't as much fun being a grown up as she thought. But she stayed gone for 12 years out on her own until a few months ago. She lost her job and it took a bit for her to get another one. She's moving out again Monday!!!! YEAH!!!!!!