missangie1978's Blog
I can't take this anymore! Please help !
Psycho BM just called my Fiancee telling him that she's moving back to town on May 5th and that she expects us to give her SS every weekend and started ranting and raving. My Fiancee told her that he didn't care and she could talk to our lawyer. That of course got her pissed and she started spouting off threats etc...
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It feels like war when it comes to homework - any suggestions?
So lately Fiancee has to work late so I get the task of getting 8 year old ss to do his homework. It's like going to war, he fights me every step of the way and throws a tanturam. Last night got so bad that after we finally got through it (took 2 hours when it should have taken 40 minutes tops) he goes stomping to his room and throwing a fit. I just ignored him and he finally just fell asleep.
Why is it so hard for him to stop letting BM run everything!
Well last night fiancée got to sleep on the couch because I blew up, couldn't take it anymore. BM's been calling the last 3 weeks spouting all kinds of crap about me and making up false accusations and threatening to move back and take ss way from fiancée and it's pretty much been hell. This all started because she wouldn't sign the final custody papers (the same ones she agreed to before she moved) and she didn't file a response so our lawyer is filing for default and we go to court this Thursday.
HELP - have a question and can't wait to talk to the lawyer because she's in trial
Temp custody paperwork was signed before BM moved out of state and SS came to live with us with holidays and vacations with his mom. When the final paperwork came to be signed she threw a fit and wouldn't sign it. Wanted him to come down every month (isn't possible).
She was told that if she didn't agree with the custody arrangement that she needed to repsond in writing. She sent our lawyer a fax of the custody paperwork with written changes that she wanted and we didn't agree with them.
How much notice is required when not taking your kid for the designated school break?
So as of last week the ex had decided that she didn't want ss to come down during spring break (I think it was a money issue and she thought she'd be moving back by than). Well my fiancee and I had planned on taking that week off so that we could go somewhere and have some time together and when we found out she wasn't going to have him come down we cancelled our plans.
The ex is moving back!
I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and the ex is moving back! I had my fiancée call the ex last night because she hasn't said anything about Spring Break coming up and she currently lives in Vegas (has been there 3 months) and the tickets get pricey during Spring Break. Well it seems she didn't mention Spring Break because she wants him to come down before than on a weekend. We of course said that wasn't possible because of school and told her that Spring Break was coming up shortly so we'd send SS down than.
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I'm going to seriously lose it today!
My fiancée and I had a big blow out he just doesn't seem to understand my feelings when it comes to the ex
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Is it normal for a 8 year old boy to be so aggressive?
My Fiancée's son is 8 years old and has been living with us for the past 2 1/2 months full-time. I never really noticed it before when we got him on just the weekends but having him everyday it's obvious that he's quite aggressive and I'm wondering if that's normal for an 8 year old boy or if it is because of lack of discipline?
BM won't sign the finally custody paperwork!
I can never tell what's going on inside of her head...she signed the temporary custody paperwork before moving out of the state so that their son could stay in the state and live with his father (my fiancée) but now that she needs to sign the finally paperwork she won't do it! It's the exact same paperwork she signed before she left but for some reason she now wants it to say she gets him once ever month!
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So frustrated! Background on what's going on - it's REALLY long
I'm so frustrated with everything! Just to give some background I'm engaged to a wonderful man who has an 8 year old son from a previous relationship (never married), he didn't even know he didn't even know about his son until he was 4 years old. His ex has 4 children total, all from different men and she's got this mentality that because she has kids and is a single mom that the whole world owes her. My fiancée is the only father that has stepped up and is willing to take responsibility for his son all the other dad's are deadbeats and don't even pay child support.