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OMG I wonder if one of them did that to Jojo?

misguided's picture

Reading the post about ivillage and someone said something about being crayon friend and then sending all of her posts to her BF. I wonder is one of those ivillage people did that to jojo. If so that is so totally f9348 up that I don't even know what to say except KARMA


AllSmiles's picture

And there I was sure it was hubby.

Jojo if you read this..hope you are doing well.

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

bearcub25's picture

I had just been thinking about her b/c of the beautiful avatar and went back and read those blogs.

I don't usually get onto the boards at home, even tho BF doesn't know how to use history and such to look stuff up. Anyway I was typing something with an 'S' and the URL for StepTalk popped up automatically. I immediately went in and deleted all temp files, history and the cookies. Maybe it was her DH and he accidently stumbled upon it.

bearcub25's picture

It is too easy to go to yahoo or wherever and make up 1000 email addys and make up 1000 ID's. If you have to give a good, solid reputable email addy, that may help also.

bearcub25's picture

porn sites are filled with viruses and spyware. I had to do major clean up after SS15 left EOW, until he trashed the laptop.

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

My SS17 was kind of obsessed with a porn site until I spoke to him about it. I didn't freak since I have boys of my own that already passed that stage. I did warn him about virus' and told him that if he's curious about sex that maybe watching girls get fist f&*^% up the butt wasn't the best way to find out.
He was a little flustered that I was so open about it. Now he has his own laptop and I don't care what he watches on it anymore as long as he's not using the family computer that BS11 uses it's all good. He knows about not meeting anyone off the internet and about ever giving his real number and such...
Boys will be boys...

Crayon you are so funny about BF having no way of getting contacted. So we have nothing to worry about!!

AllSmiles's picture

hahahahahahaha. that is hilarious.

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton