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Lost as to what to do. Please read

misguided's picture

Ok, I am going on the assumptions that if you are kind enough to be reading this and giving feedback you have read my previous logs. Based on feedback from here and several others, a couple of whom are teachers I spoke with my DH and said that his daughter needs a counselor or someone to talk to. I would be happy with even a school counselor. I said I don't know if I should call DFACS and let them come in and investigate or go the school gudiance route bus somebody needs to do something. He said why don't I talk to his ex first. As much as that thought makes me sick to my stomach I said ok. So I called her and said let's put our issues behind us, this situation with your daughter is out of control and I was thinking about calling the school or DFACS but I wanted to talk to you and see if we could come up with a solution. She then told me I was threatening her with taking away her children and that if I even thinking of calling them she will make sure my life changes, if I even have a life left. She said why don't I call a counselor and set up a meeting for all of us because she will not communicate with me. The last thing she said to me was I better not call anyone or my life would change for the worse if I even had a life left. I finally just called the school. (all the kids go to the same school)
and spoke with a guidance counselor. I didn't get into all the weird behavior this child has shown but I just told her the part about getting naked with my daughter and that it has continued even after we spoke with her about it. Long story short, she is going to talk to my daughter and see what she thinks of the situation. I really don't want to start WWIII here but damm doesn't she care about her own daughter. Why should I be the one to call a counseler? I will do it because I worry about that little girl but give me a break. I almost wish I had never called her. This poor kid, let's all stick our heads in the sand and pretend nothing strange is going on. My husband is at a loss what to do because in the CO it states she has final say over any medical treatment, be it physical or mental. He tried talking to her but she just said it wasn't going on at her house so it must be something we are doing here. Qustion whould you take what she said about her "changing my life if I even have one left" as a threat? Should I call someone in case something happens to me? Thanks so much for reading and feedback.


misguided's picture

Because she has final say over the mental and physical aspects of her life. They are supposed to talk about it and agree but as long as I have know them ONLY SHE has decided which doctors and what treatments the kids have. She constantly finds ways to spend money where it's not necessary. She had my SS tested for ADD to the tune of 2700.00! Which my DH had to pay for. Of course the test concluded he does not have it. Anyway I digress, the reason I called her is because she is the only one who can get the child into a therapist without involving CPS or something like that. Big Mistake.

now4teens's picture

Ok, I read through your blog and I know you have a LONG, sordid history with this BM. Things are tempestous at best with her, so it seems.

And while my first question would be just as DPWs "why did you call BM and not DH?" I guess that the point of the entire post was really at the end...

you are concerned that, quite possibly, she made a serious threat against you and don't know what to do about it.

Am I right in reading all of this?

If so, here is what a very nice police officer told me a few months ago, when I just "jokingly" told him to take down in his notes that if DH or I die under some "mysterious circumstances" to first investigate DHs ex and her miscreant husband.

He looked at me quite soberly and said that if I in any way felt even the least bit threatened, I should immediately fill out an official report at the police station in full. (The information I was giving him at the time was for his private notes only and not for public record). He said I should not feel "silly" about doing so- that these days, it would be in my best interest to do so- that all threats are considered serious these days, and should be at the very least, documented.

I told him, that while I was comforted with that information, I did not want to go the "official" route, but did tell all my friends and family the circumstances, and THEY all know that if anything should happen, who to point the finger immediately at Wink

But in all seriousness, the officer truly thought it was better to have it on record. Just in case.

I'm still deciding. Maybe you should as well.

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

imagr8tma's picture

I would not have called BM - DH has the responsibility to talk with BM about it... or you guys do as you did, talk with the counselor at the school. Talking with BM opens you up to her nasty attitude and threats - as she did towards you.

I would have probably taken it serious as some people act out what they say and even so - she should not be threatening anyone.

I would have a report made just in case there are further issues down the line.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************