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MiseryNMissouri's Blog

Court Date Update

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So we went to court yesterday and it got continued until May....Dang.......BM is trying to get the court to let her take SS with her when she moves away with her new we wait...geez......the want to wait until school is almost over and then we can address the issue...

Court Date

MiseryNMissouri's picture

BM has filed a case with the court to allow her to take SS with her when she moves, please keep me and DH in your prayers....As i stated in my last post she is getting married and moving away to anoter state and is trying to take SS with her....our lawyer seems to thinkt that this will not fly because my DH has been in his sons life since birth...but i am a little nervous.....


MiseryNMissouri's picture

My DH just called me from work and said that he and his guy coworkers said that 2010 is the year of the sexual revolution and that our family lead the way....LOL...of course he says guys want more sex than women (his BM didnt give him a lot, well how did they get the kid then..LOL), at any rate i told him that i know ladies who like loving too, so ladies chime in, we are 8 days in the new year how many times have you broken off your DH a little something something.....

New Year Battle's

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DH and I are looking at this new year in a different light, we refuse to let anything from the past that his BM has done affect us.......Ladies lets stand up and forget about these crazy BM's in 2010....I was watching a t.v show this morning and this couple really had me thinking about my marriage and what i watned it to continue to be....we are the ones who have these men in our house and dont let these BM's or any fears of the past ruin what we can achieve with our men.... (talk about overcoming a lot)


MiseryNMissouri's picture

okay ladies, who will be adding a new addition to the family....Who among us will be having a baby or trying to have a baby in this new great year....okay, my DH has come around and wants to have another baby and who am i to deny him that or at least try hard as hell....hey i look forward to us trying, doesnt practice make perfect.....just like my last post, im in my sexual prime...LOL..chime in ladies...

Sexual Prime

MiseryNMissouri's picture

Hey ladies, i wanted to post something i put on another site...i know we are here to vent about BM's but i wanted to switch it up this mornign to see what the responses are....MY DH says i am in my sexual prime because i seem to want sex daily, you all know loves it because he is a man...but my question is, Is there such a thing as sexual prime and how much is too much, all the book i read state that having sex is healthly so i want to stay healthy....LOL....chime in..

1. once a day, twice a day
2. 3-5 times a week,
3. etc etc etc

Good Advice from Mother about

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I told my mom about this site and even got her to read some of the posts and she thinks that this is a great site for us to come and vent in order to get things off our chest...Then she posed a great question to me, once you come here and vent do you still walk around with some type of anxiety or anger in your heart if so then have we really vented......Also she wanted me to ask the group that after venting do we go tell our DH's we love them, ladies when was the last time you told your DH you love him, if you cant say today, then you are wrong.
