Minerva2024's Blog
Scared my child will be the same ( pregnancy anxiety)
This is my first and most probably only pregnancy (very high risk) I am terrified my child will have the same manners and behaviors of SS15 and SD11. I have been married for five years.
My DH and I tried and are still trying to do all we can to help them become better people but boy are we delusional! They are as entitled, ungrateful, and disrespectful as could be. I do love them. Don't get me worng but I am realistic about how they're shaping up, plus I am truly exhausted.
Why they love me ( or pretend to) but complain to anyone who’d listen?
This is my first blog although I have been here for a while.
I got married fuve years ago. My SD is 12 and SS is 15 now. I always thought we had a good relationship and that they love me. I love them too with all my heart. I watched them grow and develop. I am always there for them, for school issues, for emotional support, for help with friends and even with dad. I thought I was doing well enough to nurture and nourish them.