Our BKs
After all the blogs I've read on here about the bio kids getting the shaft because of high cs for SKs or SKs getting the "poor you" treatment, I feel really bad for dad's kids with the 2nd wife! And this is odd to me because I am the child of my dad & mom's first marriage...they divorced and I am the one that felt like I got the shaft because I didn't have my parents together, I was always missing out on some family thing with one side while I was visiting with the other side. I wasn't one that got to do two of everything because my parents lives 2 hrs away from eachother until I was 12, then my dad moved across the country and I really never saw him. But for those of you who have your SKs right there and have 50/50 custody or lots of visitation, it sounds like everyone is more concerned with the SKs! How many people on here feel that their kids (either your own or yours with your DH/BF) get shafted in regards to toys, trips, privileges, parties, etc? I swear it makes me want to send all your biokids presents!
- melis070179's blog
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My youngest son said
My youngest son said something once that made me wonder how he got so wise. Sd was whining and moaning because she didn't get some expensive thing she wanted and generally making all of us miserable. Anyway I asked him if he was bothered about it and he says he felt sorry for her because she would never be truly happy. That all she knew and cared about were things and how much it cost. Since she is so shallow she could not appreciate the small important parts of life. :jawdrop: He was 17 at the time, this is when teenagers are supposed to be shallow and selfish. Of course H opened his mouth and said my son was a wuss for feeling like that. Monkey Butt!!
Wow - your son ROCKS!!!
Your husband... not so much...
I totally feel like my kids get the shaft
But not in the same way. They don't get as much "stuff" as SD, but they're okay with that because they're not really into "stuff". They're generally happy with what they have and have very charitable spirits. They have readily admitted that SD is spoiled and that's why she acts the way she does. They don't want stuff if it means that's the kind of people they would be.
The way I feel they really get shafted is that now they have to live in this tension filled house with a soul-sucking step sister that takes so much of mine and DH's attention that BKs kind of lost the "good" life we used to have. Little things like grandma not coming over or inviting them over because she doesn't like SD is really unfair to them and there's not much I can do about it. We try to find compromises (grandma comes over on BM's weeks), but it's not the same at all. It makes me very sad for them (and yet I manage not to guilt parent... interesting!)
I thank God every day for my
I thank God every day for my sons and I love them both. My youngest is something special. I'm constantly being surprised by the things he says and does. Before he was sent overseas he would volunteer for the Christmas toy drive and help deliver the gifts. He even gave up taking leave on the holidays so people with kids could be with their families. One year I was complaining because he wouldn't be home again at Christmas and he tells me that doing things like that made him feel good and we could have our own Christmas in Jan. and that would be more special. He's constantly doing things like that and it makes me so proud I could bust.
My BS & my skids
have it pretty good. They all get lots of attention from us and things from us. We do tend to save the big outings for when my skids are with us, but our son is only 20 months old. I suspect that the " Big" things will always be that way, even though the skids do plenty of fun things with their mom. I am okay with it though because they are very appreciative & quick with a thank you.
My skids do get more things because they have two house holds & 4 sets of grandparents essentially, BUT my son gets tucked in everynight by his mom & dad.
I'm all for not spoiling
I'm all for not spoiling (which is hard when they're really young cause they're so dang cute) but I'm talking about the families on here that are truely struggling with money and their kids don't get bday parties or to play sports or many gifts for holidays, stuff like that. Its very sad to me, especially when they see a step or half sibiling get stuff they don't because of cs or guilt parenting etc. Its also sickening that good kids have to grown up being around the spoiled ones or troubled ones and suck the parents of all their energy
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Count my kids in there
BD5 is the one who I was trying to pay her $65 dance recital fee (her only activity) and DH was complaining about the cost. But SD was playing $600 club volleyball and nobody had a problem with that! Then we got ordered to pay CS in January, so now BDs get even less. BD5 is SO good about it though. A lot of her clothes are hand-me-downs from her older cousins. She doesn't care. I even asked her one day if it bothered her and she said it didn't. She likes wearing clothes that used to belong to her cousins and doesn't care if she doesn't get new things. Meanwhile, SD gets $40 hoodies, $40 jeans, $40 fleece pants, etc. Dinner for her bday last year was more than $125. BD5 asks to go to Applebees, which might cost us $50. I'm grateful my BDs don't have SD's attitude!
I hope it doesn't bother her
I hope it doesn't bother her as she gets older
Usually clothes and stuff become more important as they get older.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
It might
I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. There are some things BD5 "inherited" from her cousins that are quite outdated/old-fashioned. Occasionally she will come across something she doesn't like, and I try to be accepting of that. We just have a limited amount to spend on clothes. As long as it's new to BD5, she doesn't care who had it before. I've gotten clothes for her at thrift stores, and a friend of my mom's gave us some clothes her granddaughter had outgrown.
We were at a children's clothing store and BD5 saw an outfit she loved. I told her I would have to think about it, and she was fine with that. The next time we were there (a couple of weeks later) I bought it for her and she was SO grateful and excited. SD16 has clothes she has never worn (still with tags).
Well I hope you guys don't
Well I hope you guys don't pay a dime more than cs for SD!!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
See, now that sucks. I too
See, now that sucks. I too had to srop out because I was also trying to work full time to support myself and go part time at night. It was too hard. My parents didn't help, either one, yet my dad put both my half sibs through college while me and my sis got nothing. We are 7 -10 yrs apart from them o I really don't know the financial situations back when we were going, but its still upsetting. Growing up I always felt like it was us (me and my sister from the "first family") that got the shaft, and it was, but it seems like these days its the other way around!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Financially, DH and I can provide
for our kids better than their other parents. We neither pay nor receive child support. I hadn't really thought about he and I having kids together (we don't and won't) and how badly that would suck for them getting virtually half of everything the other kids do. Add financial difficulties to that and it just compounds the problem. That would be tough. Writing a fat child support check so skids can have everything while bkids get nothing would be devastating to me. I don't spoil my children but I am blessed to be able to provide for them well. I've never had to tell them they couldn't do something that SD was doing because I couldn't afford it and at the same time paying for SD to do it.
I thought dealing with the time/attention issues were bad. I stand admonished. Bless you all AND your children!
Well at least you don't have
Well at least you don't have to deal with both
Some people on here do. Either is bad, both is devastating. So far I have been lucky in both areas. Right now at least, we don't pay a whole lot in cs ($300, although it irks me that we pay anything...but whatever) and SS doesn't take our time or attention away from the other kids. He's rarely here but even when he is, although he's sort of a pain with pickiness and entitlement, he's not disrespectful, rude or a troublemaker for the most part.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
It's the biggest reason I stayed single until my kids were grown
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
As it is, I see how things are so slanted (by H) in all things towards HIS family-be it the skids, or H's sisters or h's mom.
Christmas was a good example. Skids live 30 minutes away. H's mom lives 30 minutes away (nursing home) in the other direction. My bs lives 5 hours away.
Christmas nite, H was not even here. He had to leave about 7:00 pm to go back to work.
Who spent the nite in this house? MIL and skids. My own bs had to get a motel room. Who was cozy in the recliner all day? MIL. While I had to tell skids, more than once, to get their butts up off the couch so MY parents could take a seat.
That's just a small example of how H has steered things. But BIG changes are happening. It will go on no longer. H used the fact that I was financially dependent on him to bully everything his way. Now that the IRS debt is out in the open, this will happen no longer. I'm going to start showing him that he and his can go eat grass!
But I digress. As a child, you had no control over what went on.
I refuse to let that happen
DH and I want to have a child, and we are going to have to pay a LOT of money to do so (damn vasectomy reversal!). MY child will not suffer for anything because it will have 2 half sisters. If DH were to say "we need to send money to SD because she is in college" I will tell him to tell her ass to get a job, or 3 like I did, to make it. And all that money I make that goes toward paying for stuff for SD's now, will STOP the minute I am with child. Not to mention, my family is supportive and giving, unlike DH's. That baby will have everything under the sun and then some.
Normally I am not so aggressive about SD's and giving them stuff, but SD14 struck a nerve with me last night. She said she didn't want us to have a baby because then we wouldn't have money to give to her. She knows the reversal is expensive and said she didn't want us to spend the money we are saving for it, because then we wouldn't have any left for her. I told her that was not her place to be concerned with it, and left it at that. But it kinda pissed me off. How dare she tell ME what to do with MY money. Now granted, we will be using money that I am inheriting from my grandmother's passing to pay for the surgery, but that is not her business either. Grrr, and to top it off, she sprung it on us that she is going on a school trip this weekend (her BM's time) and she needs money for food. I was going to be the nice SM and give her some extra for play money, but she called DH this afternoon and told him she "thought it is silly" to have to clean to earn money. SHE is the one who begged me to have daily chores to make money! I know where that comment came from... her jobless lazy ass POS mother, who should be supplying the money for the trip since it is her time anyway!
Whoops, sorry for the rant!
Wow, she has a lot of nerve
Wow, she has a lot of nerve to say those things! I'd be pissed too! And I agree that BM should be giving her money if she is sending her to do something on her time. You don't take the kid to the zoo and ask her BM for money for it, do you? Come on!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
i do
im pregnant now and i wory about how we will be able to afford giving our baby everything he/she needs. we pay alot in CS (i think) and when i think of how BM got her "paycheck" and is now pregnant w another kid to some random guy and will get ANOTHER paycheck, it makes me sick. and here we are...married, committed, so in love and wanting a family of our own, and my husband for the first time choosing to have children and doing so w the woman he loves, and we will have to struggle. its tough. BUT like sweetthing said, she will have her parents tuck her in bed together every nite, and will know we chose to have her, wanted her, and love each other as much as we love her. that means the world.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I do feel guilt my oldest
I do feel guilt my oldest son won't get to live with both his parents...but it wasn't a healthy situation. I'm glad my son with DH will get to grow up with both parents in the house though. Those kids with both their parents in the home are usually better off and the lucky ones. I never had that
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
DH and I are at a place in our lives where we can provide financially for the kids. However, if we were still in the situation of paying thousands to BM in CS, we couldn't afford to help them out as much financially as we can now.
It's like what sweetthing and bellacita said. The fact that their bio kids with their DHs will have both of their parents under the same roof and that their parents chose to have them is everything. The skids don't get that. Granted, our DHs/BFs/fiances love them just as much as they love their kids with us. In my DH's case, when BM got pregnant with my youngest SD, he thought they had agreed they'd have no more kids. At the time, she was cheating on him with someone else, so when she got pregnant, DH waited until the youngest SD was born and got a DNA test. The test told everyone that DH is the father. But still, he was understandably angry at BM. He thought they had an agreement. He found out later that she did indeed go off the pill to try to keep him. So when I got pregnant, he was more excited about this pregnancy than he was about the youngest SD's.
If I hadn't miscarried, I definitely feel that our child would have (unintentionally, of course) gotten the shaft financially from DH due to the CS he had to pay BM. But, that child would have also had both of his parents loving each other under one roof, and would have had a sane BM. The SDs have neither of those things. There were many times when I was little when I wished I had both of my parents under the same roof, even though I talked to each of them daily when I was at the other's house. However, it was just not the same.
We had a dilemma arise when the youngest SD asked DH (while I was expecting) if he was excited when BM was pregnant with her as he was excited that I was pregnant. Gee, I wonder who forced her into asking that question! He answered that yes, he was. How do you tell a little kid that they weren't mutually planned between their parents? Now that she's here on this earth, though, we wouldn't trade her (or her sister) for anything in the world. She knows that she's wanted by her dad. It's important for kids to know that they are wanted and loved, regardless of how they are conceived. How they are conceived isn't their fault and they didn't ask to be brought into this situation. Luckily, I think that most of our DHs/BFs/fiances DO want their kids, regardless of how the kids were conceived, or they wouldn't have fought so hard to be a part of their children's lives.
The problem is, we don't know if we should tell her (or her sister) about the circumstances in which she was conceived when she is much older. Should we see if she asks us, or should we tell her once she's turned 18?
I think that a key part to making sure everyone (especially both bio and stepkids) gets through this OK is for ALL the adults involved to let them know that although the situation in which they live is not perfect, they are very deeply loved and wanted and very much a part of both mom's and dad's families.
No, I wouldn't tell youngest
No, I wouldn't tell youngest SD anything about how she was conceived. He did the DNA test, she's his, so there's no reason to tell her he didn't want BM to get pregnant. No good would come of that,I don't think she needs that info in any way!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"