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MaryHadALittleTooMuch's Blog

Update on CPS and sD14

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So I called GM a few days ago to fill her in and give her the contact info for the hospital. She decided to lie to SD and say I called to tell her I didn't want her in my hime, hated her, blah blah. I texted her and told her to get help, stop hurting the kid more by lying and manipulating her etc, I was nice about it. She lied to SD about what I texted, of course. I told SO to stick to written communication from now on. He will have to upgrade his phone so he can screenshot everything from now on.

Dealing with Child Protective Services

MaryHadALittleTooMuch's picture

This is our 3rd time with CPS. First was when BM claimed medical neglect, was dropped. Second was when SD14 told her school counselor that she was smoking weed with BM. SD said she lied, BM said it never happened, we couldn't say because we don't know for sure. This time SD14 told her school counselor that SO "repeatedly" punched her in the face and threw her down the stairs. The counselor called SO and told him she didn't believe her but was required to report it. (Part of me thinks BM and SD came up with this plan so she can live with BM or GM)

Not sure where to go from here

MaryHadALittleTooMuch's picture

Hello everyone, I'm a long time reader and was a member years ago. I'll try to give some back story and keep it short but I know I'll leave out important information so I apologize in advance.

My SO has 3 kids, 2 (stb20SD and SS17) fom his previous marriage and SD 14 from another relationship. We have DS3 DS9MOS and another on the way together.