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OT...I think I have a new dog!

Manda's picture

FH is NOT a dog person but my bro brought a stray dog over yesterday that he wants to keep. I have to say though that I've fallen in love with this dog and FH has told me that I can keep him. I do dog rescue and I don't usually get attached to a dog, however I'm getting attached to this dog. He is a great pyreneese and very malnutritioned and has worms...I don't know why I want to keep him because I know it will be a lot of work, money and training....but deep down I know he is a great dog and companion and I don't want to give him up and I really think FH is feeling the same way. I'm torn...I want to keep him but I feel like he'd be better at my bro's farm...


unbelieveable's picture

I want a Great Pyreneese so bad! Just fatten him up a little and he'll be great ; ) Keep him! Dogs can do a lot for tension too ; )

Manda's picture

Oh, my bro does rescue too! I know the dog, which by the way, my bro named Marley, will be taken care of. He already has two dogs that he's rescued and they are sooo spoiled! Plus, the way we both think and feel, those two dogs are my neice and nephew...LOL.

Manda's picture

I'm taking "marley" to vet bro's usual vet can't get him in until next tuesday and to me that's not right... So I called around tonight and found a vet that will check him out...