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OT...I can not post in my title bar, as it has mysteriously disappeared....

Sebbie's picture

When responding to other's post's, I only have a place to post the body. Where in the hell did the Title bar go?!!! Help!!!!


Amazed's picture

lol..I noticed that SAME thing a few days ago! Weird! Smile

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am then loved for who I am not.

lol, yup, and my signature is what keeps showing up in the missing Title bar, once I have posted...signature is not at the bottom anymore...what is up?

Squillion's picture

LOL... your posts are cracking me up, sebbie.

None of the other siggies do that.

Admin's picture

Hmm. Didn't notice that. We haven't changed anything that I know of. I'll look into it.

now4teens's picture

It "disappeared" sometime over the weekend...

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

BMJen's picture

Uhoh, the case of the missing title bar. LOL!

But I did notice it to and wondered where it went to! Smile

Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am then loved for who I am not.

Well hell ladies! I am so glad I am getting the responses from everyone and its not just me,lol...thought I was losing it there! Thanks admin for checking into this. Any ideas why my signature is not at the bottom of this post? :?

Sebbie's picture

Ok, I just deleted my friggin signature, that takes care of that,lol,lol.