MamaFox's Blog
mad as hell, quick rant.
So fdhs nephew called, asked him to drive across town to go get him (dude is 21 , married, no job, lives at moms, no car)
so fdh does it!!! No gas $!!! He is supposed to be sudyng the cdl test! And h fucked it off!!
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A little sad and a little worried.
Contemplating moving to the shittiest part of the closest big city. BUT it is smack dab between both our jobs and we can actually afford to live there (CS is almost half of FDH's income). What with CS being what it is, we cant afford to live in the nice part of town and still pay CS. The only homes close to my or his job are like $150,000 homes and we JUST CANT afford that.
Looking at the neighborhoods we can afford and the crimetracker shows most assaults and burglaries occur in THE FUCKING DAY TIME in those places!
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school, I told you I would do it!!!!
I start August 11th!!!!! Boomer Sooner!!!
I go three days a week, all day. My job is allowing me those days and still giving me 4 tens, so things are going well!!
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CDL testing for FDH
Lord help me. I've been doing so good. I'm having FDH take the CDL practice tests. With being functionally illiterate, he is stressing out so hard.
I'm reading the questions and answers for him, and he picks the answers. He is actually passing them 80% of the time. It's just the reading that's killing him.
Any idea if at the dmv, they will read him the test due to his dyslexia or not?
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insurance and marriages.
Even thought we live as a married couple, his health insurance won't cover me until we are married.
Long story, but I have bad teeth. Partly a birth defect and an idiotic old dentist who put braces on me with out checking my old med records out. Anyway, I want my issues fixed before the wedding.
Should we just courthouse wedding and not tell anyone, and just have the wedding next year as planned?
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Not yet 30, but think I've lived a pretty cool life so far.
Just kind of thinking over things and what I've done in my life.
Starting my "nest egg".
Informed FDH not to rely on my tax return for next year, that it will be going into an account in my name that he will not -Ever- have access to. He asked why and I simply stated I will never turn into either of my Grandmothers (God rest their souls), My aunt (56 years old, no education outside of HS, no job in 20+ years, and recently divorced) or His Mother (Also divorced and while she is a sweet lady, also has no prospects or a way to support herself besides the meager disability check she gets monthly)....I will never put myself in that situation.
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O/t kinda. I emailed an Academic Counselor.
*crosses fingers and toes*
I've decided to talk to an AC for help, and see if it's possible to work and still go back to school. I'm hoping I'll be able to get the degree(s) needed to become either a Victim Advocate or a Paralegal with specializations in family court.
I'm terrified of going back to school at almost 30.
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5 years ago I was engaged to my ex. I also won a contest for a free wedding dress. I still have that fucking dress.
It's a huge formal ballgown with beading and a train longer than I am tall.
I have been harped on by EVERYONE including FDH about what a pretty and expensive and amazing dress it is.
I dont want to wear it. I dont want to wear a dress meant for a different wedding.
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Talked to Sboys, found out the info we needed. Not sure what to do now. Fighting myself.
I think ss14 rehearsed this in his head. The conversation went like this...
"Dad, What hospital was I born in?"
"UH, West something..It's on your birth certificate."
"Yeah I know...Hey our old apartment was that on an Avenue or a Street?"
"Main Street...What are you getting at?"
"College is after Highschool right?"
And I was listening and put it together...and had FDH repeat the answers the kid was so intent on getting..