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Stupid Brother In Law

mamacat_30's picture

Due to a recent death in DH's family we are stuck seeing all the family members that we try hardest to avoid. One of them being BIL and his wife and kids. We see them maybe once every 2 years if that. BIL is just a real dickhead and always has been. So, we kinda got blindsided the other day and ended up at the same house they were at, ugh. Maybe it wasn't the first thing out of their mouths but within the first 5 minutes of being there I hear both BIL and his wife ask the SKids on separate occasions "How's your mom?". They always do this, and they seem to make an effort to do while I'm standing right there. I know I shouldn't let this bother me, but it really irks me! Seriously BIL? You haven't seen the bitch in over 15 years! I've been married to DH longer than they were even together! No one else in the family even cares about her, and they have all been there for us on the multiple occasions that she has tried to keep the SKIds from DH. UGH!

Anywho....I did get a little satisfaction though when the kids answered his question:

BIL: How's your mom?
SD: She's OLD.
BIL: (Laughs a little) Well, we're all getting older...

HaHa. Not me! I'm a good ten years younger than BM and 15 years younger than BIL and his overly plasticized wife!

There, Now I feel a little better!


Anywho78's picture

LMAO "BIL: How's your mom? SD: She's OLD" beautiful! You couldn't have planned that one better!

Sorry your BIL sucks but at least you got a giggle out of having to see them.

oldone's picture

I dated a guy who turned out to be a real jerk. He showed up at a party I attended (he knew I would be there)a couple of months after I had last heard from him. He asked me how my dog was.

My one word answer as I continued on to the next person.


My friend who was with me about choked to death on his drink.

fyi - My dog had died a few months earlier. I was totally distraught by his death, but was not discussing my grief with that idiot.

Shaman29's picture

At first I thought he was just being a dick, but you mentioned it's been over 15 yrs since he's seen her. And you and your DH have exceeded their time together, so now I'm wondering if your BIL has the hots for BM.

Shaman29's picture

LMAO! Smile