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Appropriate interaction or not?

mamacat_30's picture

Let me run this by you all. I was at an event for SS14 and BM and her DH were there as well. I had brought SD15 and SD17 came with BM. They ended up sitting about 6 feet from where I was set up, but we were not really in eyesight of each other because I was under the umbrella with BD. Anyway, in the time that we were there I saw BM's DH slap SD17 on the but and heard him commenting to SD14 about being able to see her panty lines through her leggings. Both things that DH would DIE before doing. Appropriate?

I've been trying to make some sort of sense of it. I was thinking that maybe he doesn't see himself as a parental figure and as more of just a friend, and maybe that's why it doesn't seem out of line to him. But then I thought, even so, he's 35ish and she is 17 and 15....still in appropriate in my eyes. BM didn't care. DH was not there and I won't tell him because it will just upset him and there's really nothing we can do about it. I don't think there's any sort of abuse going on either. I just wonder if I'm the only one who thinks it's a bit out of line.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

It's not appropriate. At that age, even her bio dad shouldn't be smacking her bottom. She's at the age where she's sexually aware and there should be some unspoken boundaries there, IMO.

My SS was 10 when he moved in here, and is now almost 15. I'd pee in my pants before I would open the bathroom door when he's in there. I have asked him to at least wear a tanktop (A shirt, whatever) when he's lounging around the house. I NEVER come out of my bedroom in less than a tee shirt and shorts.

I do not let my DD9 (who isn't DH's daughter) stalk around in her underwear or short gowns. She takes her robe into the bathroom and goes from the bathroom to her bedroom where she gets dressed with the door shut. If her door is shut, he doesn't go in there. He is definitely "dad" to her, but he's careful to keep boundaries in place.

Shook's picture

I would ask the skid how she felt about that & I'd make DH handle it with BM.
I on the other hand would pat the pedophile on the rear so he'd be a little thrown off while I knee him in his giblets & push him down a flight of stairs before DH really hurts him.

Lalena75's picture

My first thought was straight on what foxie said. It's unfortunately not as rare as we'd like to believe.